
No, people will start taking his power and building their own power bases. Then he’s going to come into conflict for the first time in his life between his desire to take it easy and his desire to look like he is in charge.

Iowa is full of assholes and they are trying to become the next Kansas. They should kill off the Iowa Caucuses and never campaign there from now on, it’s a useless state for picking presidents and everyone will be so broke that they will have to sell all of their cornfields to the Chinese.

You are going to be so disappointed. The Trump administration’s looking so disorganized it’ll make the Carter Administration look like the 82nd Airborne. He’ll sign anything the GOP thugs put in front of him if it means he can fuck off to New York for the rest of the week. You peckerwoods let the Republicans ship your

Are you or someone else going to pay for all of those people to leave and to sort out work visas for them? Because otherwise it’s going to be tough for all of them to leave.

I was upset at Trump trying to call out Katy Tur a few nights ago. But if renegade Trump supporters invaded The Situation Room, Morning Joe, and Fox and Friends and beat everyone there to a pulp? I’d be in favor of it. I’m done with the commentary class of this country for good.

That argument would make sense if the vote had counted and she not been caught.