That they think this is hate speech would be hilarious if they weren’t serious.
That they think this is hate speech would be hilarious if they weren’t serious.
It may have started as a Texas thing but it was always and will always be a Black thing. Let’s no get into who did it first. I am from Boston, Ma, maybe you heard about the hidden/blatant constant racism there? We have had a Juneteenth celebration since my Grandmother was a little girl and she was born in 1927. Let’s…
A significant percentage of the folks who voted for the current occupant of the White House did it for one reason: they were bitter and resentful of what Obama had done during his eight years, and they wanted as much of it rolled back as possible. And he’s doing exactly that.
1. This is the politics section.
If you’re depending on white people to do the right thing you might as well put Dolt 45 back in the white house. Democrats haven’t gotten a majority of white voters in decades. What they can do is make sure that the PoC who dominate the base have something to come out for. Sucking up to the racist trash on the margins…
Bullshit! Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. Clinton lost to Trump because the Electors in the Electoral College MAGA states were hateful, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic white supremacists.
I agree. I think there are enough racist, scared white people who'll vote him into a second term as long as he keeps *those* people away (black/brown/LGBTQ/gun control advocates/take your pick). He could run the economy into the ground and not lose a single vote; he's been fucking with farmers profits with these…
They thought they were finally accepted as “white”. They’re going to see how wrong they are.
Correct: she had to be dragged in to this.
I’ve got nothing but love for Maxine but today my thoughts have been filled with Elijah Cummings. That man spent the last three years of his life in pain and fighting for our democracy. His last official act on this earth was to sign subpoenas meant to defend and protect the children at the border. He was the very…
Its amazing how men always know exactly how they would react and exactly what they would do if they were ever forcibly raped by a man (let alone a very famous man) when its something they have no reason to ever worry about.
The Salty Waitress is an authority in exactly one area. Shifting the blame for poor working conditions to the consumer. And implicitly making excuses for restaurant ownership.
And I see some of y’all couldn’t WAIT to come take your fave out of the trash, shake him off and put him back up on a pedestal, after I said something uncomplimentary about him.
I’m confused, so you guys all click to watch a “Beyoncé” interview, but don’t like Beyoncé. Why waste your time? Sounds like y’all are extra, salty, haters. Don’t y’all have something positive to do but hang out in the comments hating??? Very confused.
Sigh, that’s the best you can come up with?.. and its such a lazy attempt at justification, Please.
As one might expect, police unions and their political allies have labored to keep reports of such police malfeasance hidden from the public.
Become? White people used to own my forebearers. It’s always been this way
Regarding the sleeplessness of those first few days: you do realize that’s a feature, not a bug, right?
Being sleep deprived after giving birth and having a human feed off your body for nearly a year while your hormones are going insane is not the same as being sleep deprived during boot camp.