The fact that they expected complications with 2 out of 3 methods and still went through with it is alarming. Good guy, bad doctors.
The fact that they expected complications with 2 out of 3 methods and still went through with it is alarming. Good guy, bad doctors.
For real Stephen you going there? You parroting Splinter talking points. What has AOC done to warrant 1/10th of the respect she so desperately thinks she deserves? Before she was sworn in she targeted Pelosi and had to learn a valuable lesson about punching above your pay grade. Who do you think has the ear of John…
No, they and other Europeans know what it is, they just create excuses.
The country is full, eh? So he’ll be ordering the killing of any newborns in excess of the death rate, right? “Want a baby? Kill whoever that kid is replacing.” Gives new meaning to “The Purge.”
So...but for the fear of forcible sodomy you’d be out there robbing and raping and killing?
You must be a fundamentally evil human being then
Not for nothing, but my high school basketball coach raped two players, molested another, and was grooming a fourth (me) when he was caught. And his brother was the head coach. And his wife taught at the school and spent a ton of time around the program. It didn’t stop him. You can’t supervise someone 100% of the…
So write a nasty letter to the company telling them to do so. Until they listen, tip them for god’s sake.
In my entire sporting event going life I have never tipped a vendor, nor has it ever occurred to me to do so. I don’t think I have seen others do it either. Is tipping actually the norm, or is this more Ask Salty BS?
This. Life is not an episode of Sesame Street. Not everyone gets a turn. Majority rules. Making everyone pay for a shitty meal because Lady Chicken Fingers can’t sit through one meal a week that didn’t fall off the back of a Sysco truck is asinine. Not every friendship can transcend childhood. Some people get stuck in…
Fuck these guys. I’ve been in the restaurant industry for 18 years. Processing fees are part of the cost of doing business. You build it into your business plan, you don’t make the customer pay for it separately.
You don’t see any problem with the whole: “I meant to tase him, but whoops, wrong holster, boy is my face red” line? Because that’s insanely fucked up. Criminally negligent is probably the softest way to describe that.
I was looking for something like this.
You’re way worked up about this.
Just a gentle reminder to commenters that Cards Against Humanity is run by an accused rapist who blamed it all on “rape culture” and then threatened to sue his accuser.
You know, at first, the idea of making money off of people’s worst thoughts and impulses and then using that money to fund charities sounds great. But after you finish patting yourself on the back for the second part, you’re still participating in the first part, which is objectively terrible.
It’s really not funny. I’m thinking of all of the really hard working students, students who put in the time, got great grades, and whose parents don’t have hundreds of thousands to bribe their way in.
I guarantee that black people living in Canada experience the identical terror helplessness and rage this woman does. Let's not with the enlightened Canada nonsense
Why can’t white people stop tanning, get collagen injected in their lips, wear braids or get butt implants? Why can’t they you know accept being white and deal with their inherent physical deficiencies?
Recently, the discourse has shifted. Social justice types now tend to believe that gender is actually innate and fixed and biological sex is a non-existent construct.
He really isn’t. Far too many privileged motherfuckers like this have had very sheltered lives and think they are large and in charge.