Cardi B's Other Shoe

She wears sneakers at the beach. She wore sneakers at her reception. I love Serena, but why would anyone be surprised she wore sneakers here?

*looks at the baby*

You must be his accountant.

You might want to look into a new accountant, babe.

Nope. Gifters pay taxes on cash gifts. The giftee ain’t got no worries.

Give me a Delaware Punch and we can talk.

I’ve been letting 2018 be good to me!

Thank you. Nobody wants to hear that mess.

Just say you’re cool with this racist trick and go.


I hope she’s doing okay. Sometimes I wish kinja had follower/follower PM so we could at least check on each other.

Oh goody! They’re already here. Crying.

Of course. I’m sensitive to things like this because I’m from a place where X was a major employer and due to some state fuckery they shut down ops and took their talents to a friendlier location, so I know firsthand people now working two jobs 8 years later just to break even.

I’m just saying. I don’t want to disrespect Danielle’s house, but I’m going to be banned Day 1 for calling them bitches. Rooo might last 3 days because she comes with the classy reads. Abs...an hour. Maybe two if she reads late at night and doesn’t get caught. Hokes might hold her own over there.

I have purposely stayed TF away from Jezebel since that day. Fuck. Them. Posting shit like this and getting praise in the comments, but they start crying the second you say “bitch” or “53%” or when Harriott drags them by that greasy pelt they call hair.

Don’t look at my initial response. The Lord is still working on me.

More of us did than you think.

Part of me wants Delta to pull Georgia’s card, but part of me doesn’t because the upheaval and job loss that would occur will disproportionately impact black and brown folks. Again.

Aye! I got a jawb with a BigNameLawFirm in DC and they make me do work now. I don’t know who they think I am, but I like money, so I act right.