Don’t try to nice it up a few days before Christmas just to try to get gifts out of us because I’ve already gotten an old knee high out and a lump of coal from the Kingsford bag for all the other sad ass stories you gifted us with this year.
And I can’t think of a time where any of the male teachers were charged with outright rape, so...
t was probably the attention more so than the “needing” a younger lover. I’m almost 40 and haven’t reached the age of wanting a younger lover yet. I got hit on by a 26 year old and noped my way on out because he was just too young. It didn’t matter that he was a former football playing, Ivy League educated attorney.…
Shift the front seats all the way up...? I know someone who managed in a two-seater in a parking garage. Fuck it. It was me. I did that.
I don’t even add colleagues from work on fb until we both are no longer employed by the organization.
That said, I met my man at WalMart. YMMV.
Temper, temper. You are white.
You know as well as I know he’s “upset” because a black woman wasn’t working hard enough for his liking. She could have walked from DC to LA taking calls the whole way and he’d complain she used a bluetooth headset instead of holding the phone up to her ear.
You’re really stupid (or white) enough to believe his only complaint is that the seat is in first class.
Dude, I don’t care about all those words. White people need to end racism. The end.
The point, you dumb fuck, is racism is EVERYWHERE. Racism shouldn’t exist, so the “solution” isn’t, “Move to a less racist place!” The solution is white people need to stop being racist.
What an odd fucking thing to complain about. Someone slept on a damn near 7 hour flight. Oh no!
My great grandmother still has the same tree we put up in 1989 and that wasn’t the first year she had it because we dragged it out her shed to put it up. All the great grands (I was the oldest, so I got to be in charge for 10 years) would gather at her house, get the tree, lights, and ornaments to decorate it while…
Women don’t even have to interact with a man that much. I worked at a small college and the receptionist had a husband who came to visit her from time to time. He was standing at the desk talking to his wife while I was doing something. A group of students passed by and spoke to everyone at the desk. EVERYONE. They…
Should they go to Boston? Call me crazy, but it would be much easier if white people stopped being racist assholes.
Who is this “we” that you speak of?
I mean...you’re going to see JE in 2017. Hell did you expect?
They have no constitutional duty to protect, so maybe they figured him asking them to get him an uber fell under protect (ing him from himself) as opposed to serving.