Cardi B's Other Shoe

You’ve posted this same whiny ass bitch baby comment multiple times, so either you’re SHS or you’re a hit dog. If it’s the former, fuck you, you wonky eyed ill-dressed cunt. If it’s the latter, please take your fat, ugly ass on to your cats and STFU. Damn.

You want to cry for this dumb trollop and take the high road-do

Take your gruel and go. You’re this butthurt because British food is trash when you snaggletoothed cousin fuckers LEFT Europe in search of spices. It has ALWAYS sucked.

We don’t know what the homework is and she doesn’t know what the homework is or what it’s for, so how can we deem it bullshit? It could be for an assembly. It could be for debate team. It could be bullshit. Maybe she could have...asked the teacher to determine which category it fell under instead of getting frustrated

I’m from Louisiana and I’m not white, so save your soliloquy for someone else. This was about shitty British food and I said what I said. London is in where? Right. The food that is making London multicultural isn’t native to London. You don’t get to claim it as “British” or some great thing of London like it was

This is something you take up with the teacher/administration prior to saying, “Eff it!” and not signing your kid’s homework causing him to be dinged on his grade because you’re annoyed. Who does that?

The same trick who left her kid to fend for himself for days on end in a gated apartment complex with no way to get

Hachi, I’m just going to save you the time and say this is terrible.

I live in DC and these hipster spots aren’t lasting long. 3-5 years seems to be the shelf-life.

Then the food isn’t British. It didn’t magically become British just because it’s prepared there, so...yeah. British food still exists in all of its terrible glory.

Well, we all know no gay man in the history of gay men has ever had a wife and kids and bi people don’t exist. And rape and sexual assault are totes about the sex action. Totes...

The cackle I just let out startled the cat away.

They got all the ugly from both their parents.

1. I hate you for that donkey gasp I just let out.
2. Where the hell have you been?

Whenever I see them allI can think is, “What an unfortunate looking family.”

The freeloading leeches didn’t even have jobs.

“Chief Thomas also used a personal email account to conduct some CPD business, then falsely denied using personal email in response to a specific FOIA [Freedome of Information Act] request,” Heaphy noted.

Watermelon was a crop black people could grow on their own and sell without needing much land, so it became a “thing” and here we are.

It appears he had a stroke.

And you are wrong yet again. Sit in your wrongness.

But Baby Be Mine isn’t crappy, tho and The Girl is Mine is a long drive with the windows down going nowhere in the summer cut. Hell wrong witchyall? Nine songs. No skips.