Honey, where'd I leave the burner key again?

I just got an air fryer and air fried hot dogs? Sweet Jesus, they are glorious.

Yes kids, we did dress that terribly once.

I mean he has a well-known addictionlove of wine, so he ain’t lying.

You have to go bigger for the sophomore album, don't ya know?

Probably had to rest and catch his breath between the two. 

Right? I don’t really care, do u?

What kind of insensitive monster uses a boarded up building for a photo OP?

Trump is a self-proclaimed advocate of sexual assault. He has something like 26 rape claims. One woman has physical evidence and has asked for DNA.

There’s a lot in Blazing Saddles that is in poor taste but, by and large, Mel Brooks was punching up, not down.

Sometimes movies from the early 00s are just as cringe inducing as the stuff from even earlier eras.

Let’s be accurate... Angina Dentata.


“Disgusting”? Public sex is awesome. I’ve heard having a partner takes it to a whole new level.

I like your attitude. I don’t know if I am capable of adopting it, but I can try, maybe?

Next season on Big Brother Alaska, The Palins and Lisa Murkowski live in a fishing hut outside of Juno. The twist is all that “drill baby drill” bullshit comes home to roost when they are eaten by malnourished polar bears.

Thank God we dodged that bullet and never had an idiot for a president.

One of the side effects of CoViD-19 is excessive mascara.

All she needed was hollywood medicine. A blanket and some water.