Honey, where'd I leave the burner key again?

Unprecedented governance calls for unprecedented media coverage.

Don’t you mean the Democratic Weaponized Justice Department®? 

I just wish they’d smile more. They look so much prettier when they smile!

Two words - Hillary Clinton

Hate fucking? “I’m gonna do to you what your party is doing to the Consititution”

If I thought either could count to ten reliably, that isn’t a bad plan!

Aren’t there any Republican hangouts they could have a gunplay showdown in, like a Proud Boys-themed Cracker Barrel or Jim Crow segregated diner? Two birds...

You didn’t hear it hear, but I heard that he gave her a $100 million Amazon gift card, not even in a card or envelope or anything - just phoning it in at this point!

Back in the day they called that “careless and imprudent driving”. That was usually code for DWI that they chose not to/lacked proof to charge. It isn’ much, but it least it is some consequence for mowing three people down with your car.

And giving him babies.  HEALTHY babies.


No I think she is onto something there. The reformed Trumpster rats that make it to the other side are a) men, or b) conventionally attractive and ridiculously overqualified women. Even then, the class b) rats are still likely to be up against some random and pervasive misogyny.

I wondered about that too. I guess someone who “wins” at FDS probably manages to marry a wealthy guy, or someone she can manipulate into becoming wealthy to keep her around, and then positions herself for a big payout when the inevitable breakup occurs when one or the other’s true selves are revealed. But then you

Man, I’m so grateful I aged out of the game! I can’t help but think that we are headed for a time where every relationship is based on mutual camouflaging. The pseudo-science that informs TRP and FDS is just appalling. If nothing else, assuming that all that BS was true, evolutionary systems generally on honest

He might be sowing the seeds for his comeback in **does Louis CK math in head** March 2022.

In Florida, additional process steps between steps 6-7 may include nudity, urinating/defecating in yard/street/squad car, and smearing of resulting urine/feces on yard/street/squad car/arresting officer.

That’s an example of an extreme phenotype that occurs in an environment lacking any evolutionary counter-pressures.

I think his neighbor’s fists once got in the way of Paul being an asshole, but apparently that lesson didn’t stick.