Yeah I’ve been thinking about that. At least if he said nothing he could just say he’s an old fuck and his AOL dial-up went down and he never saw the tweet asking him about EVH.
Yeah I’ve been thinking about that. At least if he said nothing he could just say he’s an old fuck and his AOL dial-up went down and he never saw the tweet asking him about EVH.
The luxury of not caring what other people think is definitely a silver lining of aging.
I respect that - your grandfather knew what he was about and the value of his work. Whether or not he had any insight about it is just part of his process, and it sounds like he was pretty instinctual about it. But did he crap on other people’s carpentry work or as he dismissive of different styles? I’m going to guess…
I guess you kind of hope that as a lifelong musical artist, he might offer some sort of unique insight.
I keep thinking that Biden is going to have to get a crew in with barrels of disinfectant to sanitize every nook and cranny of the White House before he moves in. It may make more sense to just torch the place and rebuild.
I heard they’ve been swapping mass re-education camp decoration tips - carpet samples, landscape designs, that kind of stuff.
I believe a “self-help” group is a special type of sex cult, i.e. a masturbation cult.
Coming next - Trump-branded internment camps where racist victims of non-racist training programs forced on them by far-left radicals can be retrained using Trump-sanctioned patriotic non-racist training programs to become the right kind of non-racist racist.
**judge sees Jade’s Instagrams**
If the cuckoo is tweeting on a tiny phone, then yes, that is a very strong analogy!
So the correct answer is...once!
But what about a profoundly damaged clock that consistently refuses to admit to being wrong in the face of overwhelming evidence?
“Host” not “prey
I was thinking the same thing!
More like PROjection.
He’ll just put it in his daughter’s name - problem solved!
That would be awesome! Maybe run an IV line with a shunt and have a little graphic in the corner with blood amphetamine levels in real time during the debate. If they could accomplish this with a large rectal probe, even better.
I suspect he has a similar view of people who just pay their taxes.
Holy crap! As a Boomer, I heard a lot of stories growing up about how pinsetters lost hands and shit at the bowling alleys. I wondered about the veracity of these stories, but I guess there was some truth to them. I definitely wouldn’t reach in to a machine capable of tossing around bowling balls/pins without direct…
I agree that it is very disconcerting to land in an office culture with a group of intelligent, competent people that aren’t also cutthroat competitors. I went from the public sector to a university administrative position doing nearly identical work. I loved the work but hated all the political machinations and…