Honey, where'd I leave the burner key again?

Might you say, bi-curious? :)

No, no. The tiny dick is the testicle and the tiny testicle is the dick. At microscopic scales, structures like that are notoriously tricky to identify.  Just ask any of the Trump women HEYOOOOO!

The undertone I don’t like in some of the #boymom hashtag is that some of the moms just accept that “oh that’s just the way they are” and don’t talk about any attempt to educate or impose consequences for their misdeeds. I don’t argue that boys have a wilder vibe sometimes despite one’s parenting skills, but you’ve

Heh, “handburger”

Better Scotchguard that shit!

It’s Dershowitz quantum law! Any position can exist as both correct and incorrect and neither correct nor incorrect until Alan Dershowitz observes it at any given time and position, in which case the position is correct.

Are you a Trump toadie? It may not be too late to apply for a position on the “legal” team.

The correct answer is: “it doesn’t matter, because the police took so long to run the DNA that the statutes of limitation have expired” OR “Not enough information to answer the question. Was Suzy wearing something slutty? Had she been drinking, dancing, or otherwise signalling her availability?

Impressive research skilz homey!

Now that you mention it, I think the married Anglican-to-Catholic loophole is how my guy got in.

WHAT IF...the cats observed on the cat farm followed their owners to the corpse farm from wherever they died and selected them for consumption out of all the other corpses. You hear of cats traveling to find their former owners after the owners relocated hundreds of mile away. Maybe these were just really dedicated

I thought the whole “married men can be priests” question was settled a long time ago. There was a married priest in one church in my toddlin’ town. It is kind of hair-splitting as it was explained to me, but the whole celibacy thing was interpreted as remaining true to whatever sexual state you were in when you were

That bit at the end where Bojack writes in sharpie on a white-board happened to a newly-minted professor at my grad school. I was a TA for the course and he was kind of an arrogant dick. He filled up three whiteboards in front of 200-odd people in a lecture hall and then froze up when he saw that the eraser wasn’t

Julianne Escobedo Shepherd: I would have sex with virtually anyone at this point because nothing matters, so yes, I would have sex with Larry David.

Well, Cats didn’t really hit me that way in the theatre, but I’m open to different interpretations. It had pretty high production values, aside from some difficulty in understanding the song lyrics early on and the glaring discontinuities in cat size/clothing/feet/shoes that everyone has blogged about. I definitely

I’m so sorry you were subjected to Ishtar - it might have been better to be REALLY high rather than in junior high, although you might have just fallen asleep then. 

IMHO a “cult classic” is one that arises organically from within disparate groups of fans, rather than as the result of a calculated process of polishing up a seriously flawed product to counter the hemorrhage of cash lost.

I thought the race horse had retired to Portugal, vacationed in Australia, got pissed off at Selena’s entourage and lashed out.

“Sex addiction.” So 2008. I think David Duchovney was the last guy to successfully pull that one off, and I don’t think there were any pending criminal charges if memory serves. Between this and the physical infirmities every old Mafioso brings to the courtroom, Weinstein is a defendant right out of central casting.  

Conscious uncoupling...of the labial folds