Honey, where'd I leave the burner key again?

I’m just catching up from NYE 2019 and saw the list of declared winners.  You were clearly robbed.

34. Why does everyone in the Star Wars universe always ask who your parents are?

Now she’s Fox News-ready. 

All the violins on Earth are not enough to infuse a crumb of joy into that turd of a holiday message. It felt like that awkward conversation you have with the husband that’s really pissed off that the wife had a holiday open house even after he told her no a hundred times.  

I’m definitely feeling strong suspicion around the Lincoln Project. It was really hard to read their little manifesto, what with all my involuntary eye-rolling at the stuffy historical references. There was a notable absence of any analysis of how politics arrived at this nadir, given the media consultant credentials

Seconded.  My cat has been bringing little bats to the door this summer - no idea where they are coming from.

If this is what’s going on, my cat must really feel sorry for how stupid I am. Here’s an example of one of her more productive overnight murderous rampages:

I wqas blowing right by this article but the picture gave me pause. That was some troll-genius level cropping.

Scenario 2: While some people make a diamond out of their deceased spouse’s remains, you form a diamond or some other material from the remains and then form that material into at least part of a sex toy from the remains.

Scenario: you are having sex with somebody and he/she dies during the act, but you are oblivious until it is too late?

Given her last name, I would think the arrangement of her next rooftop display would be obvious!

Edward’s sex bench was probably extremely reinforced structurally as well, given Victorian standards of beauty at the time.

Just make sure to sand and smooth all the cut edges!

When I saw “sex bench” my first thought was an item of furniture on which one or more people vetted as suitable and consenting, but not yet affirmatively invited, for sexual congress may wait until such invitation is issued. I imagine a group of such people just hanging out, chatting, reading magazines until a

Her resorting to ad hominem arguments so quickly in the argument belies the weakness of her position.

What ever happened to Pedro de Silva, the young Brazilian lad chained to a refrigerator for THIRTEEN YEARS!

She was available, but not slutty”

Jerry-Netherland, is that you in the white dress and pixellated face?

Sorry - feeble attempt at humor.  Hard to step up from dad humor to the big leagues some days, ya know?

The more you know...**shrug**