Honey, where'd I leave the burner key again?

I saw something from an excerpt from “Melania, Free” (I’ll NEVER buy anything that might possibly enrich any Trump) that said that Melania would rock pants or bulky coats if she was pissed at the mister. That shapeless, ankle-length cover-up must drive the Donald nuts, since there’s no way he could find her pussy,

Well actually her hair isn’t pink but more of a pale maroon isn’t it?

“Pete Davidson seems like a raging asshole who just likes to get high and contribute nothing to the world of comedy,”

I was thinking Macauley Calkin (I refuse to look this one up)

That might be what this chick ingested prior to taking her seat.

As long as they are consenting non-children, who cares? Is it such a challenge to hit those goalposts?

Correct answer: “Pumpkin pie with whipped cream

It took one dog to do the job that thousands of elected officials could not...

“I’ll show you sharpie...NOM NOM NOM!”

Trigger warning: white male Boomer here

“the group only first learned of the Title X grant program from an article in Breitbart News, about a year before they were granted almost $2 million.

My most fervent prayer right now is that Conan is a transgender dog that somehow slipped through Trump’s tweeted policy against such personnel in the military.

Heeeey you just gave me a brilliant idea! Gypsy cabs, illegal pay toilets...

I really wish the United States could somehow adopt Scotland, or maybe arrange a swap for Florida or something?  I like your style.

Solid save by Dad! 

Strange - gypsy cabs were illegal too I thought until there was an app that skimmed the profits of unlicensed taxi drivers with no training or security checks and suddenly it was OK.

Nobody thus far has addressed the most important questions - 1) what does the gunrack go? and 2) how will a confederate flag look in the rear window?

Maybe just use some SpaceX rocket parts like they used to rescue that soccer team in the cave a couple of years ago.

Coming soon - Tesla fertilizer, now in rhomboid bags!

Was she “sometime” a Mech Engnr, girlfriend, female, or all of the above?