Just bunt

Activism works? Seriously, this was smaller than small potatoes, and Trump will just undo it if he wants. He hasn’t even been sworn in yet. Watch how effective activism is during the first Senate hearings for the next Supreme Court justice. Activism won’t mean shit.

should’ve been you, Diego Costa

Heading into the winter transfer window, Spurs need to demonstrate that they are still one of the most exciting teams to play for—and to watch—in Europe.

No, society didn’t fail her. The management and ownership of Dunham Bus failed her. Having nearly two decades of putting-kids-on-busses experience behind me (including several years of dealing with Dunham), I’ve come to the conclusion that 75% of bus company employees, from drivers to dispatchers, are truly on in it

I would like to know why she thinks this was God’s will.

I get that in general, I’m just not sure the criticism is warranted against Davis. They’re extrapolating from one quote how she feels about her entire experience... I don’t think that’s possible.

In 2011, Kristin Davis adopted Gemma Rose Davis. In 2016, Davis realized that her whiteness only protects her and not her daughter. Great.

I thought Deadspin would be excited about the decision. Finally an American sports team is going to reuse an old Arena.

Counterpoint: it was a bad joke. I’m not offended by it, at least not nearly to the extent the author of this piece is, but it didn’t make me laugh, smile, or even smirk a little bit, either.

Also affecting his play...being Brock Osweiler

At least he didn’t get hit with a bag of piss.

Sounds like someone’s gunning for a cabinet position.

I’m just going to let the great President Meyer (great compared to Trump) say what needs to be said.

Say what you will about people in the south marrying young, he is remarkably literate for a three year old.

“they’re not keeping us around long enough to enjoy the finished product”

McGregor’s walk is itself just a parody/tribute to the Vince McMahon Power Swagger:

Haven’t been pulled over that many times but am young white male. Maybe it’s regional and you’re fortunate to not have to deal with that. I’ve always been approached by an officer with his strap removed, fingerprints on the rear of my car, and hand near his weapon.

White male, grew up in the burbs and I’ve been pulled over for speeding,etc. probably about 2 dozen times. Every time the cop had the pistol strap undone and his hand on/near the pistol grip, though not drawn. Roddy White is not special.

I love when Republicans say one reason they belong to their party is because they support the rule of law. Know who else supports the rule of law?

People who work for the Federal Government and simultaneously preach self-sufficiency are my favorite.