Just bunt

I was at this game and I openly starting crying when I saw this USA fan dancing with a Mexican abuela at the tailgate before the game. Sure, it was playful and probably alcohol-assisted, but it was so needed for me to witness in a week that everything seemed ominous and disjointed — much like this article.

I was at a bar and went up to a guy in a Mexico jersey to congratulate him. He actually apologized for being a Mexico fan and I told him “dude don’t be a fucking idiot” and he bought a round and we talked about growing up with the game.

Shitty is the new norm in Trump’s America. Its supposed to sound out of tune.

I was in Mexico when I watched the game and I remember hoping before the game was going to be shown on TV that it wasn’t politically driven or anything like that.

Columbus is a decidedly bright blue square in the middle of a sea of red. If anything, instead of seeing the game here as a “Trump-ist slap in the face”, try to see a vibrant, diverse, supportive community coming together while being assailed on all sides by ignorance.

Shoulda built a wall in front of Tim Howard, amirite?

Counterpoint: If Jozy put any effort into marking people in the box and we managed to pull out a win, we probably could’ve rode the way of joy all the way into impeaching Trump somehow. So I’m still sad.

At first I was confused about what the hell this was all about, then I had an A Ha moment and I got it.

Everyone at my burger place was depressed and day drinking. Everyone in my office (minus That Fucking Guy) is sullen. Everyone on my commute was subdued and sporting a hundred yard stare. And honestly? I’m happy I live in a place where this many people are this depressed today. Can’t imagine what it’d be like waking


This election. Now W is being seen as good and honorable. And by comparison he probably is.

This is the worst kind of argumentation. You see those Johnson voters? The ones that quadrupled Stein’s turnout in those states? They weren’t leaning Clinton. If anything, they siphoned off traditionally Republican-leaning voters. They weren’t disaffected Bernie Bros.

This is an especially idiotic hot taek.

Omg, yes fuck you Susan Sarandon. I hope you enjoy clinging to your ideological purity while Trump guts this country and drags us back to 1851 or whenever he believes America was great before.

Fuck that, I’m a white man and a huge Hillary supporter. Don’t stoop to that level, it makes you as bad as Trump.

And fuck every person of color and woman who voted 3rd party in a swing state.

That moment you realise you should’ve gone with your instinct, had the abortion and save yourself a shotgun wedding to a bozo.

How does a cop with “11 years of training and experience” not recognize part of a donut?

She probably initially blew a .341 on the field breathalyzer, but may have refused the official breathalyzer at the station.