
YES thank you for this review. LUKE DOESN’T EVEN SACRIFICE BULL RIDING. He makes a perfect comeback after his life-threatening injury, defeats his biggest bull foe, beats his personal record and strides out to “quit for good” because winning doesn’t mean as much without someone there. Never mind the fact that his mom

she has a team!

Do you get similarly het up about people posting pictures of themselves with a glass of wine? Because let me tell you, alcohol is a fucking poison and is causing far, far more agony and death than cocaine is. It’s wonderful and comprehensively deadly.

I know I’m missing the point of the post but GOD she is beautiful. How does she have skin that smooth and flawless? Her eyemakeup is always beautiful too.

This sort of guy truly truly believe the evolutionary psych crap about men growing better with age like a fine wine that sexy 18 year olds want.

for serious. all the petite large breasted women I know either a)have to get seriously insane custom made bras or b)got a boob reduction.

It’s pretty scary when you don't control everything anymore, just most things. Makes you feel persecuted.

The moment of Zen last night was the same Fox pundit who said the thing about the weird marriage, but it was a flashback to when Newt was the GOP frontrunner for the nomination. He was giving Newt verbal fellatio about how great it was that he seems to be truly committed this time to his third wife.

“I have to tell ya–eight years of one demographically symbolic president is enough”

Anyone else remember when the right wing used to at least pretend not to be chiefly driven by bigotry?

Friday my bf and I went to Chipotle. He always asks for extra cheese, and is similarly disappointed. Well this time the girl behind the counter took both hands, grabbed massive amounts of cheese and dumped it on the burrito. Twice. I guess I looked surprised when she did it because she said "The man asked for extra

Like everything the GOP does, cutting funding for the employees who interact with the public disproportionately affects the poor. The only people who would try to call the IRS or wait in line at the office don’t have the money (or don’t know how) to hire a tax consultant. Our tax system is so messed up in the way that

If you can’t tell the difference, you are literally one of the most poorly informed people about politics out there. Yes, there are areas where Obama has failed to live up to the hopes of his supporters (drone strikes and surveillance, for example) but on EVERY SINGLE domestic policy issue he has been profoundly to

Yeah, look at all the 14 year long wars Obama started. And all the times Obama crashed the world economy. And that time Obama ignored intelligence that could have prevented 9/11. And that time Joe Biden shot a guy in the face.

I mean like. Ok I guess. I wish we even had like, a choice. I get that the party probably doesn’t want to put up a fragmented front and that everyone needs to rally around one person right away or else death. But I still wish we had actual other choices.

Her campaign manager is gay and quite young.

I’m not ambivalent, because I’m not idealistic. I know this election is between Major Regressive Asshole and Hillary. Hillary all the way.

I feel like a total Debbie Downer, but I just can’t see her winning and it bums me out. I know way, way too many people of both genders who would never describe themselves as sexist, but they’re casually misogynistic all the time. And then there are all the women, mostly young/white/reasonably well off, who say things

If Hillary is the Democratic nominee, people better vote for her. I don’t care if you disagree with some of her policies. We all do. But don’t not vote, or vote for a third party candidate in protest. That would pretty much guarantee a Republican victory, a two-term presidency, and Republican-appointed Supreme Court

Alexis Bledel is too pretty. Notfair.