
Like...this is white people appropriating a hate crime. WHITE PEOPLE APPROPRIATING A HATE CRIME. Can we seriously fucking not?

So a few months ago when the Cosby story was really getting big I happened upon a random Netflix show that seemed to be about 10 years old that detailed “secrets” of the Playboy Mansion, like how Hef really likes peanut butter sandwiches and how they have theme parties. So, really in-depth reporting. Anyway, they

10/10, would read your fanfic.

“It’s nonsense to suddenly, at the height of sexual arousal, say ‘I changed my mind.’ It will lead to many more problems.”

Cool :) Merci cocopop!

So I know I’m a little late to the party, but I’m looking for some advice from the more hair-savvy among us. I want to get this cut when I go to the salon. I’m gonna show this picture, but what are some particular buzzwords I should use while in the chair? I find that even when I bring a picture the stylists I go to

Took me a second to realize that was ACTUAL John Legend at the piano.

I’m p. sure Lady Gaga goes by Stephani at home, but I may just be basing that off the line “Don’t call me Gaga.”

Right now Bruce has said himself that he feels he’s not ready to fully transition, but he will soon. Basically the story got out of hand and was covered before he was ready. That’s why we’re using “Bruce” and male pronouns. So in this context “straight” is the applicable term. People tend to adhere to the idea that

I think they're trying to establish the idea that abortions can make you barren and that since you're young you might just wanna have this baby now and not risk never procreating. Which is dumb.

And fun little Walmart/religious freedom story out of the dump truck town I go to college in: a couple of weeks ago, the local paper had this story about how a lady who just miscarried tried to get post-miscarriage drugs at our Walmart. When she went to the pharmacy, the pharmacist refused to serve her because he

Three words: Go. To. Target. I love all things Target decor. They have great furniture and inexpensive accessories. Their website sucks for shopping though so if you have one nearby I recommend going to it IRL.

Eh, idk. I took a break from the show and just popped in for a few episodes this season to see what it was like now that she's pregnant, and she still seems like regular Mindy to me. I mean there's some character development in her relationship with Danny but I could see how the writers might not make her an ethereal

I need more Dr. Danny in my life. I have such a crush on him and absolutely zero chill about it. I haven’t had this big of a TV crush since elementary school. But yeah, I’ve noticed that he’s been quietly in everything in supporting roles for the past five years (but also in other stuff in really small capacities for

It has high points and low points. I think I’ve watched the first three seasons fully. Don’t necessarily give up on it when it gets meh, just skip ahead. Nothing really changes that drastically to make skipping around difficult. Many, many episodes are hilarious (in my opinion) while a good amount are only okay or “we

I can never keep up!

Well technically since it’s the Olsen quadruplets she’s the fifth twin. But it’s Elizabeth.

I feel like you wouldn’t ovulate during the original pregnancy because of hormone changes, but that would be really really cool.

Actually, and I know you were joking, but the mystery ingredient in Oreo creme is definitely not pig lard because I just found out OREOS ARE VEGAN. ALL OREOS. Therefore I plan to start living ethically on a 20 Oreo a day diet and die in six months with a clean conscience.

As a pretty hairy broad, I’ve found bleaching to be a nice alternative. This only works for the errant mustache/facial hair/arm fuzz, though. And yeah, idk why people so quickly recommend waxing. One session at a semi-decent not-in-a-mall place costs at least $50 plus tip for private parts ALONE, not including legs or