
I think the reason it felt so believable to WoW players is because HOLY SHIT were there some stupid people playing that game. We’ve all experienced the joy of a Leeroy in our group at least once.

the immortal words of Rob Stark

I do love it when I find fellow Discworld fans on Jezebel.

He’s going to tip over one of the elephants and knock us flat off the turtle.

So I know that 1,800 feet is high enough to efficiently terminate him upon “landing,” but is it high enough that he’ll know he was wrong before he dies? Asking for a friend.

Hmmm... $20,000 for a rocket to go 1800 feet, or $300 for a short distance commercial flight with a window seat at 39,000 feet.

This is a trashbag of nonsense... where can I watch it?

Dudes at the top are there mainly because of the War on Christmas. They need their seasonal Santa job.

William Randolph Hearst is the poor man’s Fox News.

Why aren’t white people tired of seeing the next generation make a permanent record of their shitty behavior? Where are the white community leaders to set a positive example for their children?

I have a pin of this.

Wait, why is UF obligated to provide him a platform? He can go stand on a street corner and shout from his soap box. The first amendment doesn’t owe you a microphone.

I hate all the trumps with the burning fire of a thousand suns, and wish them nothing but unscratchable genital itching, but he’s not wrong.

The most surprising aspect of this is that some people still search for Avril Lavigne online.

It’s all the new normal. So many previously closeted racists are free to be themselves. We have the head racist to thank for making ‘Merica free to be great at racism again.

Well I mean, it could also be a Chess board.

it’s really too bad you can’t wash them, I dropped mine and now it has cat hair all over it

I’m not going to click on that.