
Good. Let them wallow in loveless misery for the rest of their days.

Those peggings she gives him are in no way an avowal of repressed homosexual tendencies. They are just Mother’s way of shriving Mike of the multiple demons trying to inhabit his mortal shell every time he spends any amount of time around DJT..

Christ, even their fights are boring.

Maybe when the assholes start calling the cops on a white kids lemonade stand or a white family bbq or a white candidate out canvassing her constituents 

They would have responded, but they can’t find it.

I was offered a job here last summer. When I read the contract, I decided to ghost them (it basically said anyone can harass anyone, the justification being the sewer like comments users leave on their posts, but the protection blatantly extended to employees themselves harassing each other).

She is so great on Killjoys.

Hannah John-Kamen is amazing. I very recently found out she was playing Ghost in this film. Killjoys is one of my favorite shows, mostly because of her as Dutch.

It couldn’t be more obvious if dude signed the threatening dm “Chad.”

as soon as the word “cuck” was used, i knew the writer was a white racist because they are the ones obsessed with being cuckholded (and usually by someone black). their inferiority complexes about the length/girth of their penises oozes as subtext.

Not only that, but that white dude has watched a lot of pornography. Like, an unhealthy amount.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”


Psychopaths working for the powerful raisin lobby. 

Every cop that willfully turned off their body camera should be charged with obstruction of justice.. or something.. They need to make it ILLEGAL for an officer to ever turn off their fucking cameras, otherwise what is the goddamn point of them.

Thanks again for all the work you’ve done on this story, Diana.

They need to bring back the weird theme planets from the original series. Like, we haven’t heard from the 20s Gangster Planet in a while; how are they getting along?

No, it’s pretty awesome—Kirk travels back in time and his mom falls in love with him instead of George, and he has to correct the timeline and get back to the future before it’s too late. There’s a great scene where Spock sneaks into George’s bedroom and, since his species cannot lie, accurately identifies himself as

I am a female criminal defense attorney. This is classic evidence of bias/motive, and I’m surprised it wasn’t admitted during the first trial. If there had been a conviction it would have been a huge appellate issue. Whether the jury believes it remains to be seen, but I’m glad it is being admitted this time. I