I need to sit on the throne to drop a Lord
I need to sit on the throne to drop a Lord
Pulling a JL?
All bowel movements from now on will be referred to as Jeffrey Lords, as in “I gotta take a Jeffrey Lord” or “Whew! What did I eat last night? I don’t think I ever took a bigger Jeffrey Lord than that!”
Sean Spicer, a wicked little man with a near-impossible job, may be on his way out as White House press secretary,…
I’m not sure where they’ve been keeping Kellyanne Conway these days, but the unexpected firing of FBI director James…
I am seriously starting to think about preparing to leave the country. It would be very, very difficult, and not what I want to do at this stage in my life, but I think it’s not a bad idea to at least have a plan. Things may get very bad very quickly, and we may not be allowed to leave once the shit hits the fan. I…
I love the tweet about a “real journalist, finally”... referring to a video of himself. I know POTUS refers to himself in the third person and piles on praise, but it’s still such a weird thing to do.
It’s weird that you focus on dogs wiping (or not wiping) their anuses. That’s really weird.
I figure you are trolling but honest answer looking at humanity and looking at dogs, I will gladly spend my resources on my pet.
There are anti-dog trolls now?
Yeah I might’ve jinxed it. But he did disappear after the pedo thing. Here’s hoping he stays disappeared.
Bill O’Reilly is out at Fox News, marking the second high profile ousting of a predatory gasbag at the network in…
Maybe there was actually a different reason for his divorce.
Not happening, lol. I am far too anxious a person to get choked out.
As an Asian American woman, I’m glad I’m being represented in politics.
Raw marijuana probably means unsmoked, but I’ve never heard it called raw and it is kind of funny.
much more succinct than mine.