
much more succinct than mine.

it seems to bother him when we talk ABOUT him but not TO him. so let’s do that some more! hehehe

She’s still got it — her 2015 special on Netflix was solid. It was called Margaret Cho: PsyCHO. Plus I saw her live last year and she had a great joke about how Jesus was a rape baby. No way I can do it justice, but the audience was on the floor.

If you disgorge an antelope, does that mean it’s a cantaloupe?

A makeup artist for the GOP said he both uses a sun bed and applies fake tanner AND applies bronzer, which explains why he looks like a thrice-boiled pumpkin.

The comments here are A fucking plus. Y’all are awful, wonderful people.

Very good observation. Too bad she didn’t decide to become a country music queen; she has all the makings of a great one.

She looks upbeat and together in that clip—lately she comes off looking very, very tired, haggard, and weary. Putting your soul up for purchase must come at an awful price.

Wow. A milo apologist, in the wild.

We’re talking about victimizing white boys. Now it’s a problem.

UGHHH every time I see this guy’s stupid face, I am reminded that he is in a 3 way tie for the most punchable face with Martin Shkreli and Ted Cruz.

I know 13 year old boys. They’re still kids. Their bodies are bigger but they’re still kids in their minds. I noticed he didn’t talk about girls just boys. Frankly way to play into that fear homophobes have about gays targeting their children.

Canada just doesn’t have the same concrete identity as the US. We know what it means to be American in the sense that there are many things classified as such - there is a strong identity there, for better or worse - in your media, your history, the individual states even. Hollywood is American. Fast food is American.

This right here. This and ACLU lawyers rushing in to defend the civil rights of people unjustly detained in airports. The protesters spilling into the streets. The indefatigable dedication to inclusivity, kindness, and standing up for the vulnerable, the marginalized, the voiceless...