
It’s been done to death at this point. You’re the one that doesn’t seem to want to let it go, so... tell ME more about how you’re a raging dick with little man syndrome.  That’s what I’d like to hear about.

they better get out there and cure all the homosexual animals in nature, too!

Well shit. we must have forgot to take our (your?) medication again. lol

lol My (Your?) bad. We’ll (you’ll?) have to co-ordinate a schedule over Skype so that we (you?) can make sure we’re (you’re?) not online at the same time to avoid future confusion. But wait, if we’re the same person, are we you or are we me? Are (Am?) you (I?) secretly a self-hating gay man, or am (are?) I (you?) a

Geez, you’re such an asshole. He just wants you to acknowledge your obvious hatred of gays. lol I only wish you’d told me how much you hate us 20 years ago, so I could have avoided becoming friends with you. lol I also find it amusing that someone who thinks you hate gays also thinks you’d create a gay sock-puppet in

Blah blah blah. Whatever you say man. lol I’ve done absolutely nothing to you, so if it makes you feel better to rage against me and call me names, you can go right ahead. If anything, it speaks more about you than it does about anyone else (even though it’s clear you think you occupy some sort of moral high ground

I don’t recall making excuses for anything, since none were really required. lol I was only letting you know that your assumption about her not liking gay people was incorrect. It wasn’t asked of me. If all of that makes me a loser in your eyes, though, then so be it. I can live with that because, to be frank, you are

Okay, so apparently I missed some news. What happened to Michelle Yeoh? lol She was previously announced as the captain, and is still listed as the captain on IMDB. I’m so confused. Also, a Star Trek show with only 1 star? Seems weird to me. Part of what made 90s Trek so good was the casts when they came together as

Say what you will about whether or not people get the face they deserve lol (sometimes they do, but it’s hardly anybody’s first tool for determining what kind of person someone else is), but as her best friend in real life, who is also a gay man, I can confirm that she does like talking to gay people. lol Just not to

“’Semen probably is not wasted, because nature usually makes use of the material it has, and there is a hypothesis that the attitudes of men are passed to women by way of the semen which penetrates the tissue,’ he said.”

I’m sure Xenu will sustain them.

I feel like this says something about our society... I’m not sure WHAT it says, but I bet it’s pretty profound and life-altering. Also, bewbs...

People say that everywhere actually. lol It’s definitely not unique to Jamaica.

I feel as though stories about Richard Spencer should be limited to him getting punched in the face.

I usually reserve that one for Anne Coulter.

It could be the soul-selling, but my vote is on booze and pills. I don’t know why; it just feels right. lol

I think “They canceled my book.” is the best post I’ve ever seen him make somewhere. lol

I would have added Richard Spencer as well, but I guess we already know about the “punchability” of HIS face, much to his dismay I’m sure.

This guy has some skeletons in his closet, and I hope they get discovered someday...