This seems like the article version of a meeting that could have been an email.
This seems like the article version of a meeting that could have been an email.
Almost got me with a TL;DR knee-jerk response. Well. Played.
There is no anti pick me. These are all just regular pick-me types, the common theme being, “hey guys! I’m not like those other girls! Look at me!”
I mean, if there’s one tiny upside to that dumb Supreme Court ruling, it’s that bigoted businesses are voluntarily putting “I’m a giant asshole, don’t spend your money here” signs up in their windows.
Your daily reminder that all these people hate each other and will turn on each other the second it’s convenient to do so.
Amazing Racists, likely.
I think congratulations are in order for Todd Rokita and Dave Yost - it’s impressive in the extreme to somehow manage to be dipshits so vile that you can read a story about a literal child rapist and still coming away thinking “man, that Todd Rokia and that Dave Yost are amazing dipshits.”
Your sacrifice will serve so many others.
Ironically, Ron Desantis’ poll numbers being such a drag makes him illegal in Florida!
Ron Perlman as MTG.
Ron Desantis is the Ted Cruz of Adolf Hitlers!
I’m not sure I follow your logic here. Here is the analogy that I use, striking and grappling is like running and swimming. You can tell the average untrained person to get into a punching match with someone else and they may do just fine...just like if you told them to run without any type of instruction. However,…
As a reminder.
The beer of easy enjoyment...a.k.a. the beer you drink when you’re so slopped that you reach for the nearest half-full plastic cup, not caring whose it was or whether there’s still a ping-pong ball in it.
Well... even smaller craft now.
I’ve heard those stories too, but based on his life in general willingness to do anything to curate his own self-image, I’m going to go ahead and guess that about fifteen years ago he went back and paid some school friends to say he was nice to a black person once.
The Titanic not being noted for having too many original carbonfiber parts, or game controllers, in its construction.
I didn’t realize that by giving you a star, I’d also be ungreying the feckless incel wastrel to which you were replying.