
Robin Williams' suicide.

For me, ‘Never fuck someone who doesn’t own books’ is a shorthand, colloquial way of saying ‘Never fuck someone who lacks curiosity about the world’. But I also feel discombobulated when I’m at someone’s house and they have no books.

If you're doing creepy b&b correctly not only did you hear them but saw them through the eyes of that creepy painting hanging on the wall

Not gonna lie... my friends and I were all talking about pooling our funds together to collectively buy this place. Of course, we’re all millenials who don’t get paid nearly enough for the shit we put up with and quickly realized that, collectively... we were in debt by about $30k instead.

Depends on the couple, I guess....My aunt and uncle dated for five years, got engaged, bought a house, waited twenty five years until they were bored one weekend and drove around until they found a preacher willing to marry them, filed the paperwork for the licence afterwards, had a second City Hall wedding just to

People are the worst.

Yah, but if they decide to shorten it and portmanteau them, then she’d share a name with the greatest damn Spanish actress of all time, CHARO! I refuse to accept they have named her this for any other reason.

The things we’ve done to our aboriginal population up here are genuinely terrifying and they’re a hell of a lot closer to the modern day than we’d like to admit. Say what you will about what America does to its various non-white ethnic groups, Canada literally tried to wipe our First Nations communities out by


I misread a company email and thought I had this whole week off. Opened my email this morning just to double check something and realized that nope, I have to work. I feel like someone played that prank on me where you think you won the lottery, but it’s a lie. I have lost all sense of time and space. Please send

I. LOVE. RICK. STEVES! Not only is his show fun to watch especially if you love travel but are a broke person who will probably never go to the French Alps, but he’s a great person. I think he’s low-key Christian, but never preachy about it. He’s pro-marijuana legalization, anti-Trump, and not afraid to use his

Rick Steves is the best. I especially love his little end credit bloopers.

I’d forgotten how cringey Schue was and it’s all coming back to me. No shame though, I’m 30 and I totally watched the first 3 seasons - that shit was entertaining in its glory days. 

Mr. Schue really was the creepiest, and I can’t understand how so much of that writing passed review. I am over 30 and I watched a couple of seasons when it first came out, I will shamefully admit.

Now playing

Mr. Schuester sucks, but without him we would have never gotten Taran Killam as the equally evil Glee coach on Community.

Men really do ruin everything.

I was listening to the directors commentary of Knives Out, and I think it was Rian Johnson during the scene where Chris Evans is in that restaurant with Ana De Armas and he said something like, people keep asking me where did I get the amazing sweaters that Chris wears in this movie. You don’t want the sweater. You

As a serious knitter I keep making Chris Evans knock-offs for my husband and I am pretty sure he’s getting wise to what is going on. He gave me such a look when he finally saw Knives Out.

This checks out. Not just good on Drunk History but ALWAYS good on Drunk History.

This checks out. Not just good on Drunk History but ALWAYS good on Drunk History.