You had me until ““soft” pet issues like childcare or reading or hunger.” These aren’t soft issues, 20% of all children in America live below the poverty line, which is $17k for a family of 2. Similarly 1 in 4 kids grow up not knowing how to read. 85% of all juveniles who interface with the justice system are…
Did you say Divine justice?
For all the complaining I read about young people not taking this seriously, oh my god, old men are the absolute worst. Wandering around the grocery store, refusing to wear one of the masks the store will give you, roaming around aimlessly while their wife does the actual shopping, not social distancing, touching…
Thoughts and prayers have not been especially effective against COVID-19. It may be time to start trying tests and masks.
You’re right, I don’t hope he dies. I hope it paralyzes him and he spends the next 65 years fully conscious, but unable to express himself or control any part of his body voluntarily, as he is in constant pain from the bedsores he gets from laying in puddles of his own urine every day while CNN plays in the…
That’s a preposterous idea not supported by science at all!
Not really. Evil people should not be encouraged. If someone said back in 1943 that Hitler should die... would you chastise them?
Question. If Trump got Covid-19 from the valet, do you think he would
I think it was the ‘80's when the idea of what a kitchen should look like took a turn. I remember a wealthy friend doing a massive renovation which included a huge kitchen in all white and stainless steel. We had never seen anything like it before. My spouse quipped that it looked like an operating theatre - and it…
I mean they are trying reeeeaaaalll hard to blame scary asian people and start a war based off that.
I was accosted by an old man with a ponytail today. I went to go pick up tacos for lunch and put my mask on because I had to go into the restaurant. As I stepped out to walk back to my car, the old man with the ponytail smoking a cigarette on the sidewalk called me a sheep and told me I watch too much tv news. It’s…
Petition that instead of “anti-vaxxers” we start calling them “pro-disease”
I fucking hate puzzles.
I can relate. I’ve dyed all my clothes and wallpaper in Scheele’s Green to get that beautiful Victorian look. The drowsiness, headaches, and vomiting are small prices to pay for a home that looks this good.
It’s like a 19-year-old dipshit watched American Psycho, discovered Patrick Bateman, and decided “That’s who I want to be when I grow up!”
I’ve written on these sites several times about my wife, a nurse, and how the best things I’ve been able to do to support her has been to scour the community begging and pleading for whatever PPE people are willing to donate for her and her team to be safe. Do you know which individuals have, by a ridiculous margin,…
I don’t have any zoom meetings or anything but I wear makeup some days and some days I don’t, just like before all this. Turns out I really do wear makeup for me and my own enjoyment. I’m not wearing real clothes though because that creates laundry that might need to be hung or ironed whereas PJs are easier to wash.