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Just calling it like it is, Potato. Warren just doesn’t seem genuine. Bernie not only passes the sniff test, he’s got a track record in congress longer than Warren’s time spent identifying as a Native American. He’s the guy, Warren won’t fight for us. She only fights for herself.

I’m Bernie or Bust at this point. I think it will come down to Bernie or Warren and I don’t trust Warren to pick up my mail let alone be my president. She’s Pelosi in Bernie clothing. No way, I don’t trust her at all. And her strict schoolmarm demeanor doesn’t help, even though she’s trying really hard to suppress it.

Uhhhm... using his platform (while he still has it) to advocate for progressive causes is literally the best thing he could be doing.

Not a fan of Beto at all - I think he blew a huge opportunity - but he’s dead slap face down correct on guns. Yes, we’re going to ban your Assault Rifle 15's, yes we’re going to ban your semi-automatics, yes we need to start getting actual common sense gun control done. Someone has to normalize this conversation and

What would you suggest to replace it though. I have a hard time with Facebook. Snapchat maybe? I don’t know much about that one.

CNN is basically Fox News at this point. They give all of Trump’s goons airtime which has the net effect of spreading his misinformation and propaganda. They can’t just become Fox News overnight and start supporting Trump’s messaging so instead they pretend to be against him while allowing every Trump supporter to

Well, that’s not how it should be.

Now playing

Huh? Not sure I understand. My name is a reference to the 1973 smash hit by Al Wilson. If you’ve never heard it you should really take a listen.

Idk, seems like the principle of the matter is more important than the nominal amounts. Pretty sure that even if this guy gave a political party $500 bucks they’d still make a point of mentioning it after every commercial break.

I agree with what you’re saying generally but the same is true of most examples of socialism, you just replace money with political power. So in a way a capitalist society actually makes things a little more equal. That said, capitalism does need some limits or curbs to prevent the kind of wealth disparity we’re

Agree, but what do his politics have to do with any of this? We’re talking about a criminal here, a serial killer type. It doesn’t really matter who he donated to and I can’t help but think that Trump’s war on the media is pushing them to smear Democrats whenever possible.  

How on earth has it taken this long to nail this guy? He’s like an Epstein Lite. What is going on? Is Trump’s DoJ running interference for these clowns?