The gop was hopping mad after Obama’s “you didn’t build that” speech.
Let’s hope for your sake you’re saving screenshots of your trolling when you have to go before the the dead panel to show you have been a good little troll Tiki torch bearing sheep when bleating for medical treatment.
The only “trickle down” that is going to happen is that every right wing political party in the rest of the world’s other country governments will want to make this shiny bauble of greed happen for them too.
Best star trek parody ever. Better than the orville.
You put them in, pinch your nose, close your mouth and breath in. The so created under pressure will do the job. The more you do it the longer you can listen to music, stay under water or survive an airplane cabin decompression. Win-win.
Next meeting propose to create a Kinja category “the whites”. (Or page background color). Text not ghosted grey but white, only visible by selecting.
“the onion” is “ghosted (grey)” with an |.
Let’s talk again after that orange guy in the white house pushed the big red button. Or caused the death of millions of people in need of affordable medical help. Or trump’s Benghazi; Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico.
“And he didn’t reach out to school administrators either”.
A lot of people won the genetic lottery, keeping slim eating like pigs. Other people only have to look at food to gain weight. Guess who will be in for a surprise when climate change turns earth in a worldwide dust bowl.
Well. Why not Sing along with this song. Belting it out loud for every one to hear.
Yep. From now on, THE goto Officially argument. Just post this youtube link or show it. Don’t waste any words anymore to explain.
What homosexual agenda? Everyone always goes for the free toaster oven.