
Argh. Not on iTunes/iBooks yet. However, it's available as an audiobook there??? Drat.

I'm just old enough to remember bomb drills in school, where we were supposed to take cover underneath our desks. It looks quaint and foolish from hindsight, but at the time, it was terrifying.

Just a general request: Can someone please come up with a filter to keep the "tiny url" spammers from oozing out of the woodwork? Please???

Awesome! :)

Not idiotic at all. The cost might be prohibitive, but the idea is sound.

*Not to scale. No warranty implied. Credit subject to approval. All rights reserved. Your mileage may vary. Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear.

"I LIVE!!!!!!!!!!"

Yes!!! That's it - the gold made the yolk unviable. I have a copy of Astounding somewhere around here ... unfortunately, it's been filed in a very safe location. :/

Drat. You're right, it was a goose. My feeble memory thought it was a duck. Great story & loved the illustrations - the farmer was especially well drawn :) No ideas on the twist ending ... it's been so long, I can't remember - just that they were afraid to dissect the bird and ruin the only specimen they had.

Why, thank you for posting your opinion. For the rest of us who haven't looked into those same textbooks that you have, or for whom the information is new, we appreciate these kinds of articles.

YipYips rule! Loved whenever they made an appearance.

First time I came across his artwork was for a short story in an old "Astounding," called "Pandora's Planet." Great stuff, both the artwork and the story. An invasion of Earth as told from the beleaguered aliens point of view. There was another one he illustrated, "Pate de Fois Gras," I think it was called. Farmer

Wonder if anyone'll find "Moon (Mars?) diamonds" this time around? (and, yeah, I know they're talking about a slingshot, not a landing...)

More power to them. Hope they pull it off!

The majority of my relatives and friends are still in Maine and NH; I miss the Spring, Summer and Fall weather, compared to here in PA. Thanks anyway! :) Hope you manage to find something out of state, soon!

Not sure when freon came along; for some reason, I was thinking it wasn't until the 40's or 50's. You could be correct, however. "Chemogene" sounds sooooo friendly. lol As to ammonia ... I could have sworn that they were phased out, at least from household ones. Not sure about commercial ones - I tend to think you're

Plus, there's the potential for a Misty Knight/Colleen Wing spinoff, too.

What's the job situation there? I've been gone since 2000; is there anything decent in IT in your area, or is it pretty much concentrated in the Portland region still?

Unless that darned Earth Creature steals the Space Modulator again...

To each their own. :)