I don't like that there's more yellow/gold than red in this version of the Iron Man armor. I'd rather it be silver, white or blue. Iron Patriot/Whatever looks interesting, though.
I don't like that there's more yellow/gold than red in this version of the Iron Man armor. I'd rather it be silver, white or blue. Iron Patriot/Whatever looks interesting, though.
Thank you. You just made me smile. :)
I wonder how much it would have ended up as just being frustrating? Think about how difficult it would be to analyze, let alone duplicate, the level of technology available now with what they had in the 1950's!
I think even your typical digital watch would have been serious competition to a 1950's-era machine. You're right, a smart phone would be ridiculously powerful compared to anything available then. That could be an interesting alternate-history sic-fi story, if someone managed to get trapped back in the 1950's with an…
Technology rocks, period. :)
Another crazy thing is how much memory storage has increased. Some of my favorite types were the "standing wave" types that used columns of mercury, and the magnetic core memory used in the Apollo and Lunar Module computers. To program those, they actually had to re-weave the wiring! It literally could take months to…
I think you meant kilotons; or possibly you were shooting for the more colloquial "killatons" :)
Nice article. Thanks! It would be cool to see the performance specs of the earlier machines to put things into perspective. It's mind-boggling how fast things have progressed, even in my own lifetime.
The general disappointment was pretty much limited to the tech media, not to the actual customer base.
I, unfortunately, still remember seeing William Shatner "singing" for that presentation on TV when it originally was broadcast. Despite years of expensive therapy and liberal application of Brain-Brillo(tm), I am unable to scrub the memory from my mind.
Fiasco? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. (edited for an injection of Inigo Montoya :) )
Interesting. Does that mean an upgrade in broadcasting equipment would make a difference, or be ineffective?
I wonder what kind of artifacts would be in that reconstructed signal? Even with "normal" HD, there's too much pixelation during a football game broadcast. ("Oddly enough," commercials come through rock solid. Go figure.)
(in the voice of Ricky Ricardo) "Loooooo-seeeeeee! You got some 'SPLAININ' to do!"
I will always love the battleships, especially when they were outfitted with Tomahawks. However, the ship that's described in the article is there for a different purpose, namely missile interdiction. They're meant to protect the task group or other potential target from long range missile bombardment. The battleship…
You had me at "the Diamond is outfitted with a 114mm cannon (that's 4.5 inches of "no, fuck you")".
How about we politely agree to disagree and leave it at that? Neither one of us is going to change the other's mind.
I'm sorry if you have that viewpoint. Not voting when you are able to is just a terrible waste and frankly insulting to people who have literally died to ensure that you are able to vote without fear of reprisal or consequence.
Well, unless the UN manages to take over everything on Earth, and the Loonies are our last, best hope :) (doesn't matter how many times I read the book, I still love it.)
Thank you for providing my morning LOL moment :)