
If people want to dig into my DNA, they’ll likely find I come from a long line of club-swinging, brutal european lunatics. I have weird physical attributes to prove it, too. Helloooo shortened pectoral muscles that mean I can beat your boyfriend in arm-wrestling. At the age of 11 (and quite scrawny I might add) I was

skin to skin bonding is important with dad too. the nurses made my husband take his shirt off when we had the baby so he could cuddle babychick. also recommended for feedings up to 9 months

brought on herself?

Maybe she was just done with the drama. Who can blame her. She’s got the rest of her life ahead of her.

Neither party has made false accusations for financial gains.

90 day cooling-off period

I’m getting rage cramps. Are those real things?

So you’ve been controlled, beaten, afraid, with three kids - one of whom has a life threatening illness and medicine you can’t afford even with the father’s help, and maybe you felt you had no where to go.. and some cop you never met hands you a business card- and just like that in one moment, all of your problems

Yes... And Why aren’t more domestic violence calls ending in psych holds? It’s something that is legally viable, no one’s rights are abused, an abused partner is given that 72 hours to determine if she/he wants to leave. It also gets them away from the guns. If we won’t take the guns away from them.

There are other commenters questioning these rules. I hope they are not gun owners, and that they never ever hold one.

This would seem to indicate that the officer(s) unloaded their guns and pointed them at people. Anyone who knows anything about guns knows that a person should never do that, and that every gun should always be treated as loaded, even right after you cleaned it! This should be investigated because if there was

Wow, i think that KUWTK thing just relieved me of my KUWTK bender.

second reference i have heard to twinja - what is it and can i go there?

Does a father stealing a television mean that infant deserves to never have contact with his or her father?

not if it’s by court order but thanks for playing along.

Wow. A judge who treats others with human dignity. We need more.

Because pet names, like beauty, pretty lady really read like a feminist position. Nothing like being dehumanized into a “cute” (I mean why not tiny also) so I can completely dissolve into a disney toy doll? at least i’ve slurped up all my alch to make me feel like i’m stickin it to the man and had some stupid parsely

It’s really the only thing to capture the 2nd hand regret I feel for her for letting that come out of her mouth. Most probably repeatedly.

Thank you for capturing the whole of my reaction in gif form.