
That head, tho.

Is it just me or does everyone agree that we should be particularly careful in handling the reporting on those who excel at marksmenship to this level. I’m just sayin’

Is it wrong that want it to be John Stewart?

Fun fact: Every start-up I’ve worked for that hit peak “steve” “matt” or “bill” crumbled with in a few months.

This is so Philly. It didn’t get the honorable nickname “filthydelphia” from nowhere. Also, typhoid people. typhoid.

And the funny part is when people take that legend and try to perpetuate it in the start ups over here on the east coast. We literally can’t stop laughing at people who book meetings before 10am.

Right? Maybe they were ironicly making it rain in a non strip environment. if this is the case, i think i now like all of them a little more.

I’m worried something’s wrong with that hair.

This happened to me this weekend. DiCaprio is out and about.

Um, Villa Azur? It’s like a place you’d take your mom for dinner. Not exactly edgy times.

So tired of everyone looking the same in those awful nude see thru sequin dresses or oh look she wore red and its soooo low cut, like whoooooo cares already and the the rest of the time we can look at you in your jogging pants and sweaty t-shirts and the men in those BOOOOOOOOORing stupid cargo shorts or stupid suits.

???? WTF

Has anyone really explore whether Pence might suffer from early-onset dementia?

WTF? Where is this poor child now? I hope he’s with someone who loves him. Someone from his family or something. This is so terrible for him.

Yep. Known a few in my day. All white. All hate cops, but the rarely get shot by SWAT.

Here’s a fun exercise I’ve suggested on here before: replace “women” (or female as he said, which is so lovely) with “black people” or “jews” - now everyone can see how terrible it sounds, huh?

... but it’s not like PepsiCo (or the others) would fire them or anything.

On a spectrum of offensiveness, I’m just going to go ahead stake a claim that appropriation and black face are two different things.

There are a bunch of Italians from Jersey who are nothing like these people. I feel a duty to point it out. #notallitaliansfromjersey