
I used to see Holder’s underage daughter acting like an obnoxious drunken thot in D.C. clubs. Malia seems on the same path (it’s obvious the Spain “gap year” is about going away to party). Two accomplished men...who raised low self-esteem daughters who are desperate for attention.

In the 80s? No, it was not.

Correct, Liz Warren is obviously smart. — and Barack too. But still, Liz lied to benefit her career, and I’d bet $100 Barry lied to enhance his odds at getting into Columbia and Harvard Law. It was ridiculously easy for him to check the international box, making him a more exotic and sought-after applicant, which he

Probs drunk or on their iPhone.

A pathological liar lying on his college apps is such a leap. I bet you think Liz Warren checking the Indian box was just a harmless mistake that wasn’t motivated by anything either.

Of course he’s a God amongst men to you because he has a (D) next to his name.

How do you know he was in the top 10% of his class — source?

Editor of Law Review, first black one at that, and clearly destined for career in politics, is going to be on the receiving end of some favorable grades.

In his memoir he talks about his pot smoking clique of friends. Said he was sort of aimless and didn’t take school seriously.

You’re being hyper-literal. Obviously he’s smart and he started working harder, but *ANY* slacking in college dooms you from getting into Harvard Law School. Period. And you think a transfer from Occidental rolled into Columbia and 4-pointed everything? No chance. Further, HIGHLY unlikely a late bloomer throws up 99

I suspected that as well. I think talking heads conflate “transcript” for records, which could include his application and scholarship and grant materials. Obviously what they mean is something that would show what he originally identified as at the institution.

If his grades were so prime at Columbia why didn’t he go straight to Harvard Law? Why would he need to what I suspect was“resume build in Chicago for 3 years?

Ha, it wouldn’t say that. But most transcripts would say domestic or international student. No (!!!!) that doesn’t mean he was born overseas (i.e. birtherism), it just means he lied on his apps to get an admissions hook.

I safely assume Trump’s dad’s $ and influence helped him transfer to UPenn. And I safely assume Obama, a self-described slacker and pothead, checked the international box on his college apps. No, that doesn’t mean he was born overseas; it means he lied for an admissions hook.

You’ve never come across an unqualified affirmative action hire? I have.

Does anyone watch CNN outside of an airport terminal during a layover?

Depending on the transcript it might detail domestic or international student. Doesn’t mean he was born overseas, it would mean he lied on his app for an admissions hook.

I don’t think anyone but psycho nutjobs thinks he was born overseas. But I think it’s not unreasonable to suspect a self-described slacker and pothead played a few angles to get into Harvard Law. One of those angles would be claiming to be from an impoverished INTERNATIONAL background—which is known as an ‘admissions

Birtherism =/= Obama lying on his college app(s). He is an American citizen, born in Hawaii... but he could have and I bet he probably did check international student for an admissions hook. He was a self-described slacker and pothead, he obviously played every angle he could to get into Harvard Law.

Thank you. Further: birtherism =/= affirmative action =/= Obama lying on his college app(s). Checking international student for an admissions hook at an elite college when he’s is an American citizen is unethical. Colleges can claw back your degree if you lie on your application.