
Birtherism =/= affirmative action =/= Obama lying on his college app(s). Checking international student for an admissions hook when he’s is an American citizen is unethical. To be clear, colleges can claw back your degrees if you lie on your application.

Again, it’s not THAT uncommon to drink when you’re a teen. I get that. But she’s the president’s “classy” daughter and she’s been caught on camera multiple times in the last year being drunk at 17 and 18 years old. I think it teases out an 18-year-old party girl who’s going to go absolutely nuts while interning in

Not every teen drinks, let alone binge drinks. Try to normalize it all you want - you’re still wrong.

That F-250 single cab is handsome af.

That’s a silly blanket statement — no, they really don’t. I think it’s weird for her to be binge drinking seemingly every moment she’s outside of the Beltway — and showing her ass to random kids with their cameras out.

Oh... like when W’s twin daughter was caught at college buying booze with a fake ID the media and the left called the twins out of control drunken trash? With Malia—this and her boozing during college visits last year—it’s ignored, respect her privacy, she’s just a kid being a kid, etc.

Does anyone remember when W’s twin daughter was caught at college buying booze with a fake ID the media and the left called the twins out of control drunken trash? With Malia—this and her boozing during college visits last year—it’s ignored, respect her privacy, she’s just a kid being a kid, etc.

My point is that it seems to be a pattern that the few times she got away from the White House—at 17- and 18-years-old—she’s binge drinking. What’s she going to do when she has real freedom in a couple months? I’d be a little worried if I was her parents.

I know she’s the president’s daughter, but how does an 18-year-old get an internship with the State Dept. in Spain of all places — and what duties will an 18-year-old be expect to perform?

Don’t be naive, she’s clearly drunk... just like she was caught drinking during college visits last year.

It appears they’re no help. She was getting wasted on he college visits; and she’s clearly wasted in these Lolla pics.

Malia is immune from criticism. Obamas are media loyalty. Bushes are a disgusting family — but let’s be honest, Bush twins were called drunken trash for boozing; an obviously drunk Malia Obama showing her ass is just a teen having fun.

post more.

What kind of industry is he in that he’s flashing his cars like that to clients?

Nobody thinks anyone in a 2003 luxury car is rich... unless they’re an old man in Naples, FL and they’re pulling out of a $15M ocean front mansion.

If you don’t live in a house/apt worth at least $600,000 you won’t give off the vibe required. And you also have to work a cool job.

I know I’m supposed to be outraged, but the exact same repulsive crap happens at every tv and movie studio in NYC and LA — and the creeps never run out of young women more than willing to sell their soul for fame and six or seven figure salaries.

I deleted my real twitter account. But I created another name just to follow news and reporters. Twitter is great for breaking news and “inside baseball” political junky crap.

Sat next to Mila Kunis at a concert. She looked like a 4ft tall troll.

In other words it’s a piece of shit he won’t stop talking about.