
You sonuvabitch!

Maybe Haslam could ask for a rebate.

He’s blinded by the hatred, you can’t expect him to get facts right.

How far could Kluwe kick a jock strap?

Five out of four women are raped every day on campus. Anyone that doesn’t acknowledge that is just a rape apologist.

I heard that Trump did not like false accusations of him being reported upon by third rate reporters on second rate web-sites.

It was phrased and presented that way by a lawyer intending to make Rose look bad.

Then I think the solution is for her to put up a sign in her cubicle that she has been sexually asaulted so everyone knows how to act around her.

I think she should be fired, she wasted the CEO’s time with a bullshit nuisance issue and lied to him in the process to make it seem like a bigger issue.

It looks like he is in The Clear.

Why stop at three parties? Why not have a seventeen party system like the GOP did this election cycle?

Samantha Bee just jumped the snark.

Did you run out of imagination or did your fingers get tired?

Kara be concern trolling.

What does your armchair psychology book say about stalkers?

You are only saying these things because I am Turkish.

They were such little pictures.

I’m sorry that happened to you.

Is it violent if you are unconscious and have to ask what happened because you don’t remember anything?