As opposed to “Pie Fucking Truthers” who maintain that the movie American Pie was faked.
As opposed to “Pie Fucking Truthers” who maintain that the movie American Pie was faked.
Hang on, let’s find out what Andrew Luck has to say first...
Knock, knock.
what’s pathetic about saying that all sides need to take a step back and look at their own actions and think about how they are affecting the situation and the community around them? For instance, maybe vandalizing your local businesses, arson, theft, and retaliatory murder aren’t the best ways to protest. Ignoring…
I’m a small person who reads as a White woman
As someone who drafts legislation, the part about if one section is repealed, the rest will stand, is a fairly standard part of most laws.
A politician had questions planted to friendly media??
When the moderator asked how to get started, McCrory said, “Anything you like. No filter here.” Sure, who needs a filter when you posed the questions yourself?
In other news: the sky is blue.
A debate moderator is not supposed to inject themselves into the conversation. There is a difference between being a debate moderator and being a journalist.
Somebody wanna whip this guy up an explanation real quick?
So Cam Newton trying to not fan the flames of racial sensationalism is wrong? Bro fuck you .. People like you are the problem.
Maybe....maybe by saying “we’re all the same color” he isn’t saying, That’s what everyone thinks...maybe...wait a minute...yeah, maybe he is trying to use his influence to get spread the way everyone should be thinking and trying to encourage that.
For some people, it is...
Well here’s hoping that next time, there won’t be any “living” left :)
You said it, mang...
I always hated the phrase “a picture says a thousand words”, because the “truth” is often not apart of them, but this is an apt example of why that phrase is true. There are so many ways to read the photo. The one people take away has little to do with what is actually happened. We put our ideals onto the photo.
The audacity of having this icon whacked on the 15th anniversary of the worst attack on American soil- will Hillary stop at nothing
The difference I’m noting when I say verbally or thru text message is not that one is legal or better, but that that action would exempt Schefter from any liability, as he did not personally access or publish a private medical record.