
Literally every day this week, I’ve found a dime on the ground in different places. 7 days, 7 dimes, 7 locations.

Girl I got fired from my first job after a really ridiculous mistake. However, I made it. I was able to get another job and continue to build my career. Maybe not the best example, but I just want to say that no matter what the outcome, you’ll be able to look back at some point and realize that grew stronger through

Not me, but I good friend made a booboo and lost a mutual fund like 9 million dollars once. A couple years later they asked her to sign a 3 year contract and get a 30% raise in return. She started her own business when her contract was up and they still ask her for short term work with great pay they need her. Worked

Please tell me about the time you committed a serious mistake at work and didn’t get fired or have your career derailed. For the first 9 mos. or so at my job I was getting good feedback and increasing responsibilities. My boss seemed impressed and happy with my performance. Then I fucked up on a project in a way

Got cheated on. Lost 40 pounds in two months (NOT healthy) and cut my hair off. I was running (because running all the time and living on lentils is how you lose 40 pounds in two months) and my hair tie broke. And because I was not living in a thinking rationally state of mind at the time, this is how my thought

I once was in a relationship with this Yorkshire transplant who charmed me senseless, but he turned out to be way less charming and dumped me without even wanting to tell me why. Double whammy: I moved in with his dumb ass and he kicked me out with no place to go besides my mom’s. I banned everything even remotely

I won’t bother you with the years of shit I put up with from this asshole - mainly because I’m so embarrassed and also hand problems, can’t type that much - but an example: birth control failed (all my responsibility, natch). Takes me to get the very much wanted right now yes please abortion ... and leaves me there

I got him banned from his mother’s house, moved in with her myself, and she bought me a puppy.

Step 1: Cut off half my hair and dyed it bright purple at the suggestion of the cute boy in physics with whom I was now free to make out at will (a delightful fact I promptly took non-monogamous advantage of).
Step 2: Put on 20 pounds of muscle doing gymnastics and ballet, earning an ass that got me proposed to weekly

The asshole cheated and then broke up with me before I could dump him. And I was very angry so I called him a few weeks later and said I was pregnant. I let him stew for a week and then told him I needed $500 for an abortion. He paid and I took my best friend on a road trip and had the best damn time EVER

I went to prom with the first guy I ever slept with. I was going to wear a dress I’d bought for another event so I told him he could wear whatever suit he had. I realized this was a mistake when he showed up in frayed corduroy pants with a miss-matched corduroy jacket, and also in Berkenstocks, looking like an English

I screamed “Fuck you! I’m moving to France!”

Honestly the craziest thing I ever did was nothing.

I have a huge scary temper and about 5 years ago I caught my live-in boyfriend cheating. Like, affair cheating. And I did... nothing.

My only serious college boyfriend and I were both huge stoners and our relationship mostly revolved around smoking out of his giant, beloved two-foot decorative purple bong named “The Mystery Machine,” having sex and playing Super Smash Bros. Melee. He was in the Army ROTC had to enter the service after college. Since

Craziest thing I’ve done after a breakup? Gained 40 lbs, had sex once and a mental breakdown twice.

Stopped dating... after the last highly manipulative cheating sack. I was in my mid-thirties. I am now 56. AND very happily single.

When I found out my long term boyfriend had a new girlfriend, while we were still living together, I walked to the nearest travel agent and booked a flight to Europe, got an express passport and then quit my job. I was outta there in under two weeks.

When my partner left me in 2006, I was devastated. After I talked myself out off the ledge, I took my child and fucked off to a beach town in South America where I rented an apartment. I partied hard and cried like a crazy person. After I was cried out and had let go of my partner, I felt much later. The next day I

I moved to Jamaica.

Let me love you, Netflix. We’ve always been cool. Please don’t make me cancel the service out of a political conscience. You’re the best boyfriend I’ve ever had, I don’t want to have to break up with you because you’re a racist. :-(