Justin Young

Here’s my baby back at home in Alameda. This was before the big bath before heading to Seca for Festorics with the BMW CCA.

The reason, he had to misspell it, is because I HAD IT FIRST! Seriously?.. a misspelled me-too SEDAN gets credit, and my WAGON with the correctly spelled JALOPNK plate doesn’t? Is it because I don’t have a manual? Because if this what they mean by white privilege, then this is BS! That’s it, I’m changing my plate to

Everyone on this page should respond with:


What an awesome way to start my day! It’s gorgeous!

Orloved. FIFY.

Later, at a bar:

Derwin employee 1: How can we make a decade-old Italian supercar less reliable?

Obviously, this kid has never heard of

Been going on since the 40's.

You must be the life of parties

The title makes me think of that video of the people trying to load a Civic into the back of a truck. “WHY DID YOU TURN”


A picture of the driver has been leaked!

My lumps, my lumps, my lumps, my lumps, my lovely Chiron lumps.

That’s Nuts.

Now playing

The only thing that comes to mind when mentioning the Ford Ka.