That’s like when they said not to use the Maybach SUV “bounce” trick for anything other than getting unstuck from sand traps.
That’s like when they said not to use the Maybach SUV “bounce” trick for anything other than getting unstuck from sand traps.
It’s not a Skyline to people who have only played Gran Turismo and are unaware that the Skyline has always been available in mundane, boring forms and trims.
Davey was my best and only friend from k-6th grade and really gave credence to the final words in the movie Stand By Me, “I never had any friends later on like I had when I was 12.” Rather, I am 43 now and I still have never found a friend quite like him later in life. Sadly I will never get to tell him face to face…
Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.
I recognize this may get buried here, as it goes against the prevailing point of view, but I want to provide a counterpoint.
“I just came here to say I hate you”
Jeez, leave some commas for the rest of us!
Wife walks in while I’m on the computer: “Whatcha watchin’?”
Once you reach a certain age, pitching a tent gets harder and harder.
So Ferrari skipped auto-driving cars and jumped straight to self-driving cars? That’s amazing.
This guy has clearly Hadi-nuff of BMW.
Being the editor of Jalopnik means you spend a lot of time thinking about Miatas