Justin Young

That’s not a mod, that’s a factory option from Mercedes.

Jalop: “I hate lazy, boring automotive design. Make something interesting...”

Well, they have to actually drive to make the list.

Nah bro, many years here. I’ve seen this in the past, but never to this level. Just a bunch of never-haves/never-wills trying to shit on the do-ers.

So. Much. BITCHING. “Stupid roof box!” “The Camry of Europe!” “Purist and Rocket Bunny = LOLZ” “Forza is only a passing resemblance of the real track.” “This looks more like plagiarism than scouting.” Fuck each and every single one of you. Someone goes to be creative with a lack of scouting time and uses the tools he

Hmmm, let’s look at the front page.

plot twist: I’m your dad

Anybody else get tired of seeing this question/comment on every single drifting post?

Now playing

DomesticMango is love, DomesicMango is life.

Thank God for those Firestone Wilderness A/Ts.

Then the Takata airbag went off, setting the car in motion because it wasn’t actually in park as the keys fell out of the ignition while running which then lodged under the gas pedal accelerating it away unintentionally where it was finally halted by a volkswagen dealership who promptly lied about the whole thing.

Shooting Wake

The Dying Brake model.

I’ve actually always thought that the XTS hearses were quite handsome.

Reminds me of:


honestly..at this point i think we should just start a petition to ford and a kickstarter for the money.... and get skay one

When boost is life.