
I believe he made that point.

Well that's how business works. Like I said, theres a difference between planning for DLC and actually creating it or even knowing wha it is you will offer. The great thing about DLC is that devs can now actually give us a bunch of ideas they would normally cut and never put in the game.

No, that's pretty normal for the entire industry. It's a business model, and that's what they are here to do, make money. I bet lots know they will have DLC before they even have the game flushed out. They'll just make up the DLC later.

This deal is for the 4gb console WITH KINECT. That's $300. XBL gold is $60 and an extended warranty is $60. You got to read the article, it'll give you the correct information. Again, there's a difference between being able to afford something, and having the cash to pay for it all up front. Not that crazy of a

Well it sounds like this is giving others an avenue to afford it, making it reachable for people who previously "couldn't afford it". The argument that if you don't have the $400 upfront means you shouldn't make it your hobby is a little ridiculous.

When I think of playing CoD, or the CoD universe, the last thing I usually connect to it is it's portrayal of war. What comes to my mind is the ridiculousness of the MP. The cross-map heaving of tomahawks, grenades, dropshots, no scoping idiots jumping out of buildings with their sensitivity on 10 spinning like a made

What kind of math are you doing? The console is $300 MSRP alone.

Well you'd have to come up with at minimum $300 just to get the console. It'd cost you another $120 to get Gold for 2 years at retail. Also, that's your opinion on the matter. People spend their money in worse ways, but it's not your money nor your call.

Well that's the point is it not? The PS+ service is only giving you access to games not giving you ownership of them. Any of those "free" games downloaded aren't free to own, just free to play. If the PS+ service actually gave you all those games, everyone would own it.

In a game centered around progression unlocks, having better guns later in that progression would make it unbalanced based on not skill, but time spent playing the game. Having good guns throughout makes it balanced and Black Ops had some good ones later on, like the G11.

The sad part is that would keep me from actually playing the game.

So it makes perfect sense for your scenario number one. Which is exactly who they would be targeting.

I gotcha. You still must have broken some agreements or rules those and I assume you'd be aware of those when accepting the job. Sorry anyway.

Oh that was special. Lot's of great knifes hahah.

Black Ops was interesting and shed some light on the series (story wise) compared to yet another Modern Warfare. This looked like a pretty typical CoD game, so I'll wait to hear more details about gameplay and such. I was much more interested in this than MW3 trailers, which was the game I was ready to call quits on

Considering the game just became official today, I'm going to just take a wild guess and say those posters weren't supposed to be out or be seen by the public (maybe even staff) until today or later. Clearly the game wasn't announced yet...showing information on an unannounced game is what we call a leak. It didn't

Sony revoked a feature people paid for on their system in OtherOS. Geohot brought it back and left the anti-piracy stuff related to playing PS3 games untouched. What he did opened the door for others to come and try to crack it (and it would be much easier with his firmware) so they can play pirated

MW>BO>MW2 of the ones I've played. I'd put WaW at the end of the list and probably drop MW3 in with MW2. Black Ops was a great story, MP was more enjoyable than MW2 (though I liked 3rd person). I'd say the Treyarch games are going to be better than IW since that team was split. People also love Zombies.

Agreed. Black Ops had some elements that were "unbelievable", but that made it more interesting. Even the tech that supposedly existed, like crossbows with exploding arrows, seemed a little our there and made it fun. That, plus the flashbacks, time travel type stuff you were doing in the story.

Did you expect to not get caught or to not get fired? It seems to me that leaking the next installment of one of the biggest franchises would be grounds for firing. I can't imagine you thought they'd just give you a slap on the wrist or a warning.