
Well to be fair no publisher wants to lose money on the title. Wouldn't it take 300,000 or so sales at $50-60 regardless to turn a profit going through Kickstarter or not? I'd be interested to see if a triple A title could work on Kickstarter. This game looked really good regardless so I hope it sees the light of day.

If it's good enough yes. If that's what people want (which they do), then yes. Surprisingly, in the realm of console FPSs, there's aren't a lot of other options out there that play well and just work and have the community size to just jump in and play. They are tweaked here and there, Spec Ops, new campaigns (which

I take it you got owned in CoD? I never really found the game enraging. Majority of people playing that series are really bad at FPSs. The only fun to be had really centered around playing with friends. A lot of people play CoD, it's easy to just say hey let's play CoD, everyone seems to know how.

I think it was the other war around. Jobs had the ideas, Ive designed them, Jobs said yes or no to the design, and then a crap ton of people engineered them to be the quality products they are today.

I believe he just said "after the games goes for cert." in the video which makes means they'll be working on it and presumably other DLC before launch. That's standard though, so I don't understand why anyone would be upset.

You can, but only colors of the outfit. There's no "skins".

I think you'll be out of a job. Same prices as current gen. They'll be loss leaders for x number of years and bank of services, accessories and games to make profits until the tech becomes cheap enough to turn profit on hardware.

I agree with all that except I highly doubt MS/Sony release a console over $400. I suspect it to actually cost similar if not the same prices that the consoles do today. Same versions, pro and arcade. I might go as far as to say the arcade will be more digital/streaming based without a disc drive.

Having both doesn't make sense if the new one is backwards compatible. Honestly though, it's not a huge deal. I'll probably keep my 360 around, though I'm looking to offload my PS3.

You were right, I originally said SGSIII, OP said SGSII, I mixed them up, but either way the SGSII/III is a better phone. The II is the same price and every bit as good if not better with ICS.

I don't think quick, cheap and easy is how you would describe grilled food. Half of it is the grilling experience, but it's essentially the same time as preheating an oven. If you plan accordingly, it's a non-issue.

Pretty sure the SII is the same price @ $99. I'd assume free for new users as well, but either way, same price.

Yeah, I'd agree that it doesn't compete even with last years crop of phones like the SGSII (I read the original comment as III not II), especially now that it's getting ICS.

I think that's the general consensus on the device. It's a great phone, but it doesn't match up with the recent flagship devices. It's the best Windows phone, but the 4s, HTC One X, GNex, SGSIII, and so on are all better performers than this.

It's preference. I can't stand the dualshock controllers anymore after switching to the 360. It's by far my favorite gaming controller design/layout. Everything else feels wrong now.

No I agree, I just disagree that streaming will be the answer, nor do I think MS or Sony will lose to Apple and the iPad. I don't do that type of gaming on a tablet, I just know it's possible. I find it laggy and a lesser experience than my Xbox/PS3.

There's no doubt in my mind that the "future" consoles will not be tethered permanently the TV. Streaming will not be the solution though. I think the more likely situation is the gaming power resides in the device or a "dock" that you can hook up to your TV. However, we are not even close to that scenario. I can

I don't think iPad games are a replacement for console games, so I can't ever see that happening. I suspect the hacking community to not grow or shrink, but to do what you said. I think devs will just continue with normal procedures of DLC like they do now, though I could see them giving users who purchased the new

Well it seems to be getting 3rd party support for games scheduled to be released on this generations console. When the next gen consoles come out, I'm afraid it'll just be another low level port because next gen consoles will be far ahead of the Wii U's graphical power.