
Vizio has a $99 Google TV device coming out real soon. I'm sure eventually things wil get tinkered with and ported, but google needs to makes these devices uniform.

Well you can play your movies rented or purchased from the Play store (only, no other source) or music you have stored in Google Music (nothing local). Basically the device uses handsets because that's where users sign in with their accounts and stream there content from. So no one is really sharing licenses, they are

Don't most of these locks come with warranties that state if someone cuts through and steals your bike we'll replace the bike for you? I never read them (and maybe that's the point), but I know they exist to some extent.

Agreed, but there is a line. We've seen Zynga do near-identical knock offs. This seems more like a franchise reboot, which is cool, but not necessarily new. I think people are just looking for new, not rehashing old games for new mediums.

Come on, that's a weak argument. You're saying they are ripping off real life. That's what video games do, they distort events and scenarios you might want to explore in the real world virtually with no consequence.

I think that still doesn't justify it. Unless they offer a GoogleTV for $99 tomorrow or something. I suspected the price and use for the device to be just an extender/streamer and cost no more than $99.

I think you'll see most of the tech available in Durango or Orbis, but not the Wii U. It'll be left with ports.

Oh nice. It wasn't there when I looked before. Must have been rolled out or I just missed it. However, now with 4.1 coming soon....not so sure.

Still waiting on a toro build to hit RC1, then I'll consider switching from AOKP. Though I'm not sure if it'll make a big difference, but I've always ended up going back to CM on my other phones after making the usual rounds of other builds.

I don't except to see any next gen consoles being over $300. Maybe in some crazy bundles, but I think that's the price. I'm also going to bet that next gen from both MS/Sony will be much more powerful than the Wii U. There will be a heavy focus in at-home media, but don't think that'll come at the great expense of not

He was backpedaling because he didn't think the guy would take it so seriously. It was a jab, an opinion. It's ok he thinks Japanese games suck. I think MMOs suck and fighting games. That's not being a douche. It's just an opinion. The rest of what happened surrounding the events doesn't characterize him as a douche.

The problem with PC's is simply devs would build for the best, the unaffordable and the rest of us have to tinker, tinker, tinker to get it to run on whatever hardware we have and it's ALWAYS a diluted version of the real product. It's not a great product value proposition. When you have standardized hardware, you get

If you read the quotes, it seems pretty clear he did it right away upon seeing his reaction. I quoted the apology for you, so you don't need to spin it or add to it to make it sound worse. You want to imply his intentions were evil, you're just assuming he's a dick so everything you read had the underlying tone of him

"But then, I saw the guy's reaction and he was clearly super bummed out by hearing me say that," Fish recalled. "So I apologized right away: 'I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that but I do think they're mostly bad.' That's just my opinion, that's not a blanket statement for all games."

Honestly it seems like they just don't know how to be normal. They spend every waking second of their lives investing themselves totally into their game development. They are so wrapped up and blind to what they are doing. Phil seemed to be at a very rough part in his development, dealing with a lot of stuff that I

He's not actually being a douchebag in the movie. I still don't understand the generalized hate towards the guy based on some out of context quotes, articles, and genuine bandwagon-type rallying around making him out as an evil person. Watch the movie. He's just a driven, socially awkward, bothered individual. It's

You don't think that they perhaps "guessed" on a name and put it in the movie set in what I assume is the future? I hardly call that an ad, nor does it confirm anything.

Why not have both? Not all my friends happen to be able to just drive over and play games. It's ok to not have online, but this isn't a great excuse. Online co-op is essential to most of my gaming. My friends and I are spread out all over. Plus it's a better experience than split screen.

I don't think so. They said current gen needed to be 10x more powerful than it is today to run UE4 (or something to that extent) and the Wii U isn't that much better. Plus most of it's extra power will probably be going towards powering those controllers.