
Well then that's not a very successful strategy for Nintendo. They want you to be buying the Wii U over the 360/PS3 and their next gen versions. Most people won't buy multiple consoles and I'm afraid Nintendo and the Wii U won't be the single console many gamers choose.

The Wii focused on family gaming in a way. It encouraged groups of people to play simple games like Wii Sports and it was fun.

It's kind of unreasonable to include the mix-amp in the Astro system unless you are specifically looking at gaming use. The A40s are $199, but the A30s are a more reasonable $130. You still get 3 different cables (long with inline mic/3.5mm), (long with 2 3.5mm for mic and sound on the PC) and a short cable with an

It was a good time indeed. It was like a very basic Mario Kart. Fun enough.

"As a consumer, I want a physical copy. DRM with a physical copy is about as much as I can handle." It could simply be this.

Yes that's annoying, but honestly I think the market shows that as nice as it is to have that ability, it's just not used very much. I can't remember the last time I swapped games with someone and if I go to a friends house my GT is cloud recovered and it would recognize my activation of a game and allow me to play it.

At this point it's so speculative that it's not really worth getting worried over this. Maybe the DD's work offline regardless. I think it's hilarious that we don't think Microsoft, if they are planning something along these lines, haven't thought through these scenarios and found solutions or trade offs.

Do you think Gamestop could risk not selling new content for the next Xbox? GameStop is more dependent on MS than MS is on GameStop. I think they work together and Gamestop will have to play ball regardless of what happens.

Seriously though, how much of that is paranoia? How likely is it that MS disappears and that content is no longer available to you. I don't have any problems whatsoever buying games on Steam. I have zero problems buying XBLA games. The whole disc thing, wanting a physical copy, was how people were with DVDs. Now

Well, there's been criticism that it's a scam. Basically, the video never mentions the downfall of such system, storage size required. It's just another piece of marketing at this point. Here's a viewpoint from Notch, who undoubtedly knows more than I do about the matter.

Glad this happened at the exact time as my interest in the game ran out. Now I just don't care.

They could still announce and release in the same year (2013). They could still announce something this year. All this says is not at E3.

They could just say we don't comment on rumors, but we appreciate the interest in our future plans. Them coming out and saying they won't is basically a thought out confession that they won't be showing anything.

343 will make a better Halo than Bungie's last efforts. Besides, I don't really care about exclusives that much anymore, the quality seems to be coming from multi-platform efforts these days.

I'd say every game I own is or has been worthy of it's general reviewed score expect 2. Brink and Gears of War 2. That's the only time I've really been burned by a game, everything else is usually close enough for me to gauge interest and then make a decision based on my likes/dislikes.

I don't know what the numbers are, but I imagine there are over 5.1 million people on XBL or PSN right now or at least something comparable. I'd welcome the idea, but I'm not going to commit to something until I see what they bring to the table.

Not that I agree with what he did, but I can't imagine "fighting words" would be the crossing point. It's not like you'd be upset if instead he had said "kill, destroy, dominate, etc." instead of rape. I mean you are the verbal assault is around is centered around the action in the game which is fighting, and killing

It seems like your entertainment value is based around the quality of PC gaming. The consoles won't match that, so just go ahead and be disappointed. The majority of console gamers are completely satisfied with the graphic quality of their consoles from 2005. Anything new will be a step up, but when it comes down to

There are paying PSN+ members. What do you tell those paying customers? Tough luck? I think it's still ridiculous to take down the service for a whole day or even have this much down time just to do maintenance. I imagine XBL has to have maintenance as well, but the entire service never goes down this frequently.

I just don't get what all this maintenance is that they are doing. XBL never goes through these things, the updates are quick and painless, and the service just keeps on chugging along without hiccups for the majority of the time.