
I was simply pointing out that it can be different based on each game. Shooters like BF3/CoD, where a single shot kills, stealing isn't really happening. Games like Halo, Gears, where you have to land a multitude of shots, it can exist.

Well Gears is very different. You can down someone. That's the usual case where kill stealing comes into play. I don't really care, but the point can be made that you are just taking it just because, not because you are helping win a game

Well WP7 is only optimized for one type of hardware. Also I've been having smooth Android experiences with one core since I got an Android phone. It's the bloated skins that slow things down.

What ever gave you the impression that the Android Market was going to be better? Everything I've always read has said otherwise. Though you shouldn't have to ask what version, since it tells you when downloading apps. Nor should it matter since most are 2.1+ and 90%+ of all Android devices fall into that category.

You're talking decades here. We've seen console become virtualized because the hardware itself wasn't in a stable medium. Discs aren't the safest medium either. Also, if those servers are gone that would probably mean bigger issues at large with the xbox and it's services. Lot's of games still require online

Well to be fair investing in a physical copy or a digital copy wouldn't matter if in your theoretical situation XBL/Xbox doesn't exist anymore. You'd have bigger issues to worry about. Let's just leave it right here, the rest is irrelevant because it's your sense of value.

In my catalog of games? Borderlands, all three Gears of War, CoD MW2, Black Ops, Dungeon Defenders (which is nuts for a $15 game) is up there. I'm don't have a larger catalog, but I got friends that drop that much game time into a ton of games. Honestly, it's not even about that, it's about your perception of value.

I hardly find games to be shrinking in size. In fact, games are getting bigger and bigger, and with DLC they are just becoming massive.

I agree. Getting rid of DLC (if that idea was even possible) would not mean that all the DLC we are currently getting would be baked into the release game or the content would be free later. That's a misconception of DLC in general. It just wouldn't be available and people would complain.

That's the wrong impression to have, and if you continue thinking that you'll just be continually disappointed in this industry. What a lot of people fail to understand is, you don't get to say what the "complete" experience is. That's not your decision. You aren't entitled to it, you aren't entitled to any of the

So you are talking about two fundamentally different things. You are mad that they don't have the feature set you are looking for, not about the design of the application itself. Don't confuse form and function. They are two different things.

So web apps. I also have little issue with their web apps.

But if you look at Google's different network of self-branded sites, where the Google brand tag never changes based on Gmail, Reader, Maps, etc. (there's a + added for G+), I don't think it makes sense for it to lead to you back to either Google or the home of the specific service you are on. It's an action bar.

Care to explain how Google apps have gone downhill? I'd say they've vastly improved and some of the most pleasant and consistent app experiences I have on a mobile platform.

I think that's my main point. When you are on one of Google's self-branded services, you click on that services title and that's essentially the logo. The ever-present Google brand tag, is just that. I had to actually go to all the sites to verify that it was there, and consistently performed the same action across

The only one I can maybe agree with is the removal of the + in the new tab. Even then though, if I was looking to add a new tab (crt+t or cmd+t a shortcut many are familiar with) I'd look at the top where they are, see that button, push it and would instantly know what it does.

They bought food that gave the chance to enter a contest. It seems pretty clear that they needed to verify the codes against their database. Clearly a lot needs to be checked in on, I have no idea what went wrong, but it makes sense that it needs to verify you are a winner in some way, shape or form.

Are people really considering this a "slap in the face"? Honestly, it would be cool to think you won a contest (or to actually win the contest), but I certainly wouldn't be upset if "pending verification" I was told that I didn't actually win.

After how good the Siren was, how bad the Soldier was in the first game, I assume they did some balancing. I'd be interested in a better soldier.

No this was appropriate. The song is called doomsday, and knowing them they used dubstep just because they know everyone is trying to use it and they are just secretly trolling people. Hence the more wub wub part.