
Funny, has truth, but honestly some people just suck at MP. There are others who have a "real life", but are still not totally incompetent at MP. This person seems like the kind of person who no matter what he does, just sucks online.

Yeah and he'd get the floor mopped with his body. TF2 is no different than any other online MP. Honestly I'd think his best luck would be CoD. It's the most approachable and has the lowest skill ceiling.

Well I guess this explains their answer to how fast people went through their ranking system. Something about this seems unplanned. They went ahead and cut the experience earned by 40-50% a week after launch because people went through it so quickly. Now they just want us to do it again for weapon skins.

This kind of stuff happens in every game. The only reason you see more of it from CoD is simply because of the sheer volume of people playing the game and the ease of which you can share these moments online.

I guess I see Facebook more as a screwdriver than a gun or drug. Unlike those items, Facebook was built with a much broader objective in mind. To connect people. So for all those out there using it in a nonconstructive way, there are millions who aren't. It's a powerful tool that also happens to bring out the best in

So in what way is this any different than anything else you do that could potentially be making you happy? Remove Facebook and add anything else and your point would ring true which just means that it's senseless to blame one thing (or to call it out explicitly), when it's your actions that are ultimately causing your

I'm just going to say that in terms of Gears, 3 is by far the best offering the series has had. Gears 2 would not even be rated if reviewers took Kotaku's method of waiting a week. The game was literally the worst, most unplayable MP thing you could make.

Well why should I take responsibility for my well being? It's much easier to blame Facebook.

This isn't the first time Apple has pulled this trick. AppleTV Gen1 comes to mind. Of course it wasn't pushed as hard as the iPhone. You could even stretch it as far as calling the iPhone 4 hardware a beta for their new antenna design.

Well that's the main point of the article.

Let's see how that'd work out...

Point to where you can get accurate numbers for piracy?

In a recent interview with PC Gamer, CEO Marcin Iwinski does some quick back-of-the-hand calculations according to what he saw on illegal downloading sites, and comes up with 4.5 million copies of the game obtained illegally. He also says, however, that "as of today we have sold over one million legal copies, so

Valve's business is radically different than Ubisoft so it's really not worth debating their methods against another devs. Brand loyalty exists everywhere, my point was really the difference between how they do business and how other are forced to do business which are very different.

I agree with a lot of what you said. I think they are uncertain how to go forward in the PC market with their concerns of piracy and also their poor execution of ports or their lack of resources to develop a AAA title for the platform when consoles are more profitable. That's business and I wager PC gamers will

I like Valve as much as the next guy, but a lot of their success is brand loyalty coupled with their business model for offering products (Steam). It's the opposite case for Ubisoft. Maybe for Valve this isn't an issue. Steam offers better DRM solutions than most, though it's not the sole place of distribution for

Ok we are speculating on what this game will be like and it's not out. So it's not fair for you to say "well these products are like this so this product will be nothing better."

"We’re adapting the offer to the PC market. I don’t like to compare PC and Xbox boxed products because they have a model on that platform that is clearly meant to be €60’s worth of super-Hollywood content. On PC, we’re adapting our model to the demand."

I think the numbers when would be heavily slanted towards the PC platform for pirating. Especially in online play. I'm not saying they don't do it, but I'm going to bet it's a lot less than on the PC. So yes, it's not worth it money wise, and part of that reason is pirated copies.

It's like everyone just skipped this part of the article.