
The first was such a good idea with so much to build on. I hope they get this one dialed in and polished. High hopes already. Also the color looks good and refreshing. Who said wastelands had to be brown, it's a made up planet.

Bodycount demo is up for XBL. Went ahead a gave it a try. The concept was interesting, the dev diaries looked cool, but how in the world do you mess up FPS controls so badly. There just wasn't anything smooth about the shooting mechanics or movement. This day and age, it's inexcusable. Maybe it's just a console thing,

Story wise, they've done a lot to improve that aspect. Hired a real writer, etc. The campaign looks interesting, but the polish I'm mostly talking about came in the MP. Gears1 was the first, good yet flawed. That was ok. Gears2 took Gears1 and instead of refining and polishing, they added a bunch of stuff and it was

Uncharted 3. You know you're going to get a good experience. Dead Island, Assassin's Creed, Batman, I'd wait on reviews or pick up later when they are cheaper. Since they are largely SP, they drop in price a lot faster than a big MP title like Uncharted.

Better in what regards? The second game was full of issues. It's campaign was a bigger scope, slightly more interesting, and had a couple more features, but all in all Gears2 was a disaster. It's not that I didn't play a ton of it though, just everything from the Menu system glitches, countless rank resets

I don't think anyone is jumping ship just yet. Let's wait until WP7 starts to even compete with RIM, then it can work up to the iPhone and lastly compete with Android. WP7 is so far behind in marketshare, it would be stupid for Samsung to bail on Android.

Well the original argument wasn't over the number of exclusives (like you said it was). He simply said the this would be better than any PS3 exclusive this year, then backed it up with the claim that it would be bigger than any one PS3 exclusive this year. You brought up the quantity, which is in no relation to

I realize that, but exclusives are only relevant within genres. You can't compare TLG/Gears next to each other, they are completely different genres and irrelevant to players who aren't interested each respective genre. He probably meant exclusive PS3 shooters are scared. No one actually assumes TLG is scared because

Most of the cover is like barricade height, which in an environment of war, makes sense. Lots of road barriers outside. Lots of overturned desks (even some right-side up you can kick over), counters, tables, cars. Honestly a lot of stuff exists in that height range. It may be tweaked to fit better with this gameplay,

It's got a decent story with a pretty good writer behind it. The whole universe is now tied together between it's books and games. I wouldn't call it a masterpiece, but it certainly is on par with this genre's best.

This isn't a real world, nor does it pretend to be. The cover serves a purpose for gameplay, and I'd rather have that than something more realistic. Overall the color and tone of the game hasn't bothered me. I'd rather have the polish in gameplay over visuals. Though both look to be the best of the series so far.

I'd be a choice between Gears 3 or Uncharted 3. Those are the same genres. You'd be assuming he's interested in other genres like TLG or Twisted Metal (now a 2012 title I believe), even KZ3. Only one being a TPS. When it's between Gears3 or U3, the choice is Gears for me. I love Uncharted (U2 was one of the best

You won't get a lot of money trading in your games. You'll end up spending more money just to get back to the point where you are now with the Xbox 360 in terms of a library. I would suggest just getting a used Xbox. You might trade in 10 titles and end up with 3 used games.

No thanks on that concept for consoles. One, with bandwith limits increasing, I don't want to be downloading all of the games I buy, plus the time it takes to download them. I much prefer the method of just buying the game in stores going home and playing instantly (or having it shipped to me). Plus I get games dirt

Something like that. It's not like you didn't know exactly what you were getting by the article title. Half of me is surprised all of this was published, the other half not so much. I wonder if his app is any good though.

That would potentially be a better deal than what is offered now depending on what the Elite premium membership gives you. My guess is just more upload space, better video options, etc.

Honestly though, I don't know why, but I expected it to look somewhat different than MW2. It looks like the exact same game. Literally nothing looked different or new to me. The footage looked like a trailer for a MW2 DLC.

Yes that's what I meant by bad. They aren't bad designs, just impossible. Most of the time its purely a form exercise.