
I like that Yanko gives students/professionals credit for their designs and promotes the design community, I dislike that most of the designs are actually pretty bad.

Do you really expect any everyday consumer to care? Had I not wondered over to Giz (out of boredom) then I would have never heard of this and it will get settled in court and everyone will move on.

It's was a challenge to get everything going with people who were staggered in the storyline. You could get in and play, but you were often left out earning stuff because you were either to far ahead or behind.

It was the best co-op game I've played in awhile. It was built for a group of 4, which is why I have 3 close gaming buddies that will partake on these adventures with me.

It's not for benefit of the customer, it's for the benefit of EA. They are flat out saying they rather control the terms of the DLC distribution than sell the game on a major service (is it #1?) like Steam. That's got to cost them more money. I also assume you have two separate friends lists across things like Origin

I assume this is a money thing around DLC and other in game purchases because patches (exploit fixes) can be done without a problem. This is never truly for the exclusive benefit of the players, because the players would like to be able to buy it on Steam.

500,000 is a joke. Black Ops sold 25 million. I think the article was correct in saying that this move just shows that the battle between Origin and Steam is more important than it's battle with CoD. In reality, there's no battle with CoD and EA just wants better benefits in distribution.

I disagree. I loved Portal 2, I have no desire to play it again though. Portal is the same way (IMO one of the best games out there). It's one of the games I think should have been at $30. I loved Borderlands (spent a ton of time in it), but I've stopped playing it after I finished all the playthroughs and DLC. Same

Well not for me. 15 hours isn't worth $60. Gameplay is not the same as time spent playing in your argument. They are the same in mine. A $60 game is an investment. I'm looking for a specific amount of value from the game and I usually assess that value by time I'll spend playing the game. Shadow Complex was an example

When we are talking about the value of the game based on hours of playing time of said game then yes you can. I don't purchase CoD for the campaign, I have it for some MP with friends. The reverse can be said for something like Skyrim or sticking with FPSs Rage.

Yeah I'm with ya. If it's a game you enjoy, then it is worth it. 10 hours just seems so short to me. I drop considerable time in MPs though. I also played a ton of Borderlands. My numbers for value are a little skewed.

He's an industrial designer. The value of good design holds much weight on the things you buy. That and the aesthetic. I mean look at Dyson. Sure there are uglier versions that do something similar, but then again LOOK at a Dyson vs. the competition.

10 hours is worth $60??? No way. I paid $15 for Shadow Complex and it was a solid 9 first play through. I'm struggling to justify something like Rage which has a rumored 15hr campaign. It take more than double that to prestige once in CoD. I played the Gears3 beta for 20 hours.

Oh alright. I'll keep a lookout. Thanks.

Sweet. I thought it had. They act like they are still rolling out invites, but I don't know if I believe that. I'd still like to be able to check it out in full sooner than later.

I control exactly who and want sees what I want in a simple and easy way. It is also seamless tied into my Google account life. Facebook is also an overload visually of unnecessary information. I don't need one, but I'm going to have one. Same goes with Facebook.

I think it's just the fact that there is a lot less crap all over Google+ in general. Sometimes the quality isn't great, but it's such a small amount compared to Facebook.

Has the Elite beta started yet? I thought I signed up, wouldn't mind checking it out early. The quality of it influences my decision on MW3.

No I mean refine. I don't think an overhaul is necessary, and will probably make a bunch of new problems/different problems than they have now. Right now most of what I want from them is a refined aesthetic, much like what is going on with their overhaul of the desktop web apps.

The short answer is no. The long answer is still no.