
It's not. I think Android is over iPhone, but behind iOS (includes iPods/iPads). WP7 is maybe around WebOS levels. Very low, hardly a player.

First things first, I hope they aren't playing Battle mode on Mario Kart. It better be 150cc 4 player racing on Koopa Troopa beach.

I don't ever go to the Amazon App Store for any reason other than the free app of the day. I would never consider purchasing an app there, shoot I don't even look for new apps that I might want to try out. There might as well be nothing else in that store other than the Free App of the Day.

The shooting mechanics are fine, it's just not a shooter. It's RPG/FPS. The battles were based on your strength and the strengths of your gun, having the right elemental guns for the right enemies, etc. It was about strategy, not just am I better than that AI with a gun. Chances are yes, I am always better than an AI

The people playing these leaked games are fans, they want to know more about the series. I honestly wouldn't want to read a story in a outlined, unpolished phase, only to go re-read it when it's done.

From Gears 1 - 3 they are all varied execution of the same gaming experience. Gears1 was the initial idea executed well, Gears2 was the same idea expanded on but executed poorly and Gears3 is (based on lots of beta gameplay) an expanded sequel, lots of feature content adding and a much higher (and welcomed) level of

Another good preview. I'm still worried about the depth of this game (campaign length, replayability and the MP won't interest me). Maybe it's a rent and not a buy. Especially at a rumored 15hr SP. Sounds fun though and the gameplay seems strong.

Splash Damage and Brink. There's just no stats period except online.

Depending on the gametype, it makes a difference. But really people want to play with other people who can hold their own. K/D is the quickest stat to check. I don't know if BF has score per minute, but that would be the ultimate representation.

Borderlands was a game I was not expecting to love and fell in love with. There's some balancing things to fix, bosses need to drop the better loot, but overall a great game to play. Minor tweaks here and there and it will be greatness.

Yeah the learning curve in Gears1 is rough. Being that most of the people left are the ones who are pretty good makes it even harder. Gears2 is a little easier to get into MP wise. In general Gears MP as a series is pretty difficult in terms of a learning curve. The skills developed in the campaign don't really

Lancer/shotgun/pistol is the Gears default. It's how the game was designed to be played. Gears2 was more about the Hammerburst (no longer a burst fire gun like Gears1) and Gears3 adds some flavor.

I think 5 looks like a little boy. I like 1 or 3. But who cares.

Yeah very true. From Dust doesn't stress me out, I played a level or two at a time. It gets crazy, but not in a stressful way. In a game like this one (ITSP) flow is everything. The breakup with the pausing and menu system hurts that flow. It's something I'm sure is easily remedied (a weapon cycle could be patched),

Doing that just confirms something. They probably rather not do that, and just keep everyone guessing.

I picked up From Dust. It was an impulse buy for sure, but I've had a lot of fun with it. Through the game once, need to do the challenges. Really surprised by the amount of content. The game itself is a blast.

This just doesn't have a place in people's homes yet. Just like the AppleTV. I mean 50% of all Netflix activity is coming from gaming consoles. The majority being the Wii. The market just isn't there yet. It will be, but not now, not for the mainstream consumer.

McD's dominates BK on this planet, just like CoD dominates BF. Two different flavors for two different crowds. One crowd just happens to be more accepted and a lot larger.

There's no real cooperation involved in much of any online games these days, even objective based ones like TF2. Unless you got a group of friends, a team, clan, etc. you're lucky if you can get random people to cooperate online.

I pirated game can't be accounted for as a lost sale. If the game wasn't able to be pirated, then said person may or may not ever even play the game anymore. What's worse though, someone who never buys or plays your game, or someone playing your game? I'm not saying stealing is the right thing, but having 2 million