
Yeah they have final stages and live streams for all three events now. I don't watch the SC2 stuff (not my thing), but it always seemed like Halo got all the love of MLG. Dr. Pepper does their gaming room makeovers, they do pro talks, help, tips etc. SC2 is very popular as well.

Personal opinion obviously. I think there's a lot of great things on TV, and there's at least twice as much terrible stuff.

Yes, I think it's about cable companies, channels, etc. that don't bother to provide the coverage. I don't know why he is complaining though, MLG events have been increasing every event, every year.

MLG hosts all their tournaments live on their site. It's put on/sponsored by Dr. Pepper, Astro, ESPN, and others. It's actually a price nice set-up. Halo gets the most attention by a long shot.

"Most of the enjoyment comes from doing things yourself instead of just seeing it done without your input."

Yeah, you are right. There's no way any cover shooter could be good. There's no reason why Gears or Uncharted are some of the best exclusive franchises for each respective console.

It's a lot easier to get and play than this early build as well. ;)

You like it or hate it. Gears 1 was the best time I've had on any XBL MP in the shooter genre. It ushered cover based shooters into the mainstream for this generation. Gears 2 was terrible, 3 plays a lot more like Gears 1. The beta was solid, the campaigns have always been good.

It was delayed so they did a beta. That's what they've been doing in the months from April till release alongside debugging, server tweaks and MP balancing.

The Tumblr app isn't that bad for Android. This just seems like a new UI, rather than a new feature set. What I would appreciate is a Honeycomb version alongside an Android version.

Loving the Google overhaul. It feels less "free". Now if they could only update Google Reader.

Nor do the writers here. It's a matter of opinion. Maybe they liked his opinion the most, haven't had a ton of time to play it or agree with his comments? To me, everyone here is some random commenter. From the authors of the posts to the commenters, I don't know anyone, I don't know if I should respect anyone's

The iPad is a consumer monster, but doesn't work for me, therefor it will never be the best. Which is why in the end, it doesn't matter, it's more about the ecosystem you are comfortable with/invested in, your workflow, and your wallet.

Well no one said you had to like the game. They aren't denying you anything. You got $60 worth when you bought the game. You want more, pay more. I have never felt like I didn't get enough content out of a CoD for $60.

That's why I implemented the mute train. It got to the point where I'd join a lobby and mute everyone regardless, it took a second in MW2. I can still join games where I already have a good number of people muted. I'm generally in a party anyway, since I only really care about talking to/with my friends.

Famas and AK74u are undisputedly the best weapons in the game. You can use the Famas for everything and win. The rest of the guns all have different characteristics, but they are only effective if you enjoy using them and you really just are trying to have fun (I love the AK, M60, Spas). I'll play my Spas class on

So then $60 for the game is a steal. See how that works? It's all relative, and honestly the price of DLC is not expensive for games I actually play or DLC I actually want.

All designs aren't purely original, agreed. Yes it's relative, but there is such a thing as good and bad design. This actually makes the product worse and yes it's an ugly mess.

$15 is a lunch at a mid-low end place to eat. Shit my Quiznos lunch today was $8, two PBJs instead of that and I'd have enough to spend on this. $15 is not a lot for some new experiences if that's what you are looking for. A zombie map is as about in-depth as an XBLA game.

The new 360 (heck even the old one) are better designed pieces of hardware. This is just ugly, and reduces the functionality of the console itself. I've never understood the modding of consoles, they almost always look worse than where they started.