
This isn't sold as a modified console. It has to be hacked to run Other OS. That right there eliminates a portion of the audience who doesn't feel comfortable hacking things. I don't think Sony is worried about SNES ROMs being pirated. That's a battle well lost at this point.

I can pirate games for my 360 very easily. I can do it for my computer as well. I can pirate games for my phone as well. All of it is easy, but I don't do it.

After a long history with PS controllers, I can not stand using them anymore. A 360 controller is just better for my large hands and the triggers on the PS controllers just aren't as nice.

I feel like I'm going to run out of money this fall for video games.

Epic offered the beta to anyone with a 360 and an XBL Gold account. The exact same requirements to play the game online when it's released this September. Sorry you missed out, I hardly consider giving away free content from a free beta of a free to play Gears 3 MP for a week (or more if you put out money for

I'm wagering if you really wanted them, you could have made the effort. Could have rented a console, borrowed one, gamed with a friend, even bought one if you so desired. It's not their fault you didn't have an Xbox. They can't count for those facts, nor should they. The point being that it was available to everyone,

They are different things for different people. Some games you play for just pure enjoyment, some you play to compete. It's hardly fun to play a competition based MP, and not try to compete. Those games may not be your style, but they are becoming ever more popular. Then there are the billion other games that aren't

Yeah, I mean who likes to competition in games? Who cares about professional sports? Why do we need to make a GAME between people a competition? Well that's what a game is. By your same theory being a professional athlete is like being hardcore about yogurt...being a professional chess player, is about as cool as

Guess which one is probably better at the job?

Well that's a big change to it's effectiveness. The hip fire accuracy up close was too good, and made the weapon OP. Now it pretty much starts shooting the ceiling immediately. I wouldn't change the bullet damage, since the gun isn't accurate to begin with.

Well no one is going to have them all, unless they buy all the pre-orders then sell them on ebay or something. So pick the one you want the most and get it. I'll probably get the Baird or Dom skin, and I participated in the beta to unlock everything there was to unlock (plus the beta was a lot of fun for old Gears

After PSN, it was like an ongoing joke. Everyone was expecting someone to get hacked every day, and some major incident happened almost every day (or so it felt like). They made a joke of internet security, the people they attacked, and that was their point.

I wish that was the case, but I just doubt it. I don't think they'll ever be caught, just like the people who breached PSN won't be caught. They might be scared, they are probably young kids who realized they have their whole life ahead of them, why ruin it.

I don't think anyone is really in support of them stealing personal information, but instead exposing the overall vulnerability of the internet. People get it now, your information isn't magically safe on the internet.

It already got nerfed and balanced. That was probably the first change they made from the beta, along with redesigning some of the maps to prevent spawn killing (Thrashball/Trenches). Thankfully the gold skins aren't gold plated neon skins like Gears 2, and it's more rustic gold that fits the Gears theme.

Think of it as a thank you. All these things are irrelevant to gameplay, but for those who have invested time and money into the series you get some extras. That's the whole point of rewarding legacy players and fans of the series, everyone won't get these items, just those who have earned it.

I don't think the hatred has anything to do with TF2. It's more about the $60 purchase a lot of people made for a $20 game, at best. It was fun when there was no lag and I could manage to get in games with three friends on the same team, but that was a rare occasion.

Apple never took George to court did they? Nope. He does a lot of the Jailbreak stuff as well. Apple instead reached out and asked some of the jailbreak community to help them bring great experiences to their platform. That's drastically different from what Sony is doing. You also want to bet the cost of pirated apps

Black Ops patches without MS. They have a system set up where Treyarch can make adjustments without the need for a patch. A lot of new games are doing that, but TF2 is old and didn't have that option. When they put out DLC or a big TU, then they get thrown into the queue. I think I remember from Gears that even Epic