
Eddie you are the man. Got to give love to a fellow classmate/designer. This is different than what he presented at our crit (he designed an entire bathroom), but still an awesome project.

This is one of the best shooters of this modern generation. It's a shame the console versions are dead, because those who try to get in late on this on the PC have a long ways to try and even catch up. It's still a fun time, a well supported franchise, and a model of what a good shooter should be.

Grooveshark is one of those things you use in ignorance. We all know it's got to be illegal in one way or the other, but I don't care to know exactly how it's illegal. I'm just going to keep using it until it's gone and the next version pops up.

I got a gift card. I could save it and spend it on my fall purchases (Gears 3, Skyrim, most likely MW3>BF3, and a maybe on Rage) or I'll pick up Dirt 3. It's been awhile since I've played a racing game, but I used to love them and it looks awesome.

Yes, and I would be forced do something similar. My point is that I don't want to/shouldn't have to resort to pirating and installing SL just to make the upgrade. Nor should I be forced to buy SL, just to install Lion. At that point I might just very well pirate both.

"Download Lion from the Mac App Store."

Dirt 3 just got rave reviews and (like you I own no racing games) has actually got me interested in checking it out. I used to play early NFS series, loved Burnout, and left the genre and never came back.

It looks fine. I was blown away with the PC version, but something about this just makes it seem like it's the acceptable quality of console graphics. Maybe it's the generic MW genre that we are stuck in, the deserts all FPSs live in. The things that suffer in the console version are what makes the PC version so great

So what are the benefits over something like ATK? I get the "it won't blindly kill an app", but why does that really matter? ATK wouldn't kill anything unless you specified to do so under certain constraints and time periods. The only "blind part" is the fact that I don't have to go in and do it manually.

No worries, I hear Gearbox plans to release it in a DLC after launch for the rest of us.

I'm with you on that. I'd use this to try out a game I'm skeptical about. Rage might be my first target.

I'm waiting to decide between BF3, MW3, or not getting either. So I'm not going to pre-order any. Pre-order bonuses are great, just not ones that alter gameplay in a unfair competitive advantage. It's like saying, hey pre-order and we'll give you an AR and everyone else who doesn't only gets a pistol for the first 3

The best piece of advice I can give you is to go to a store and physically handle them. Take some test shots, check out the size, construction, etc. I think you'll figure out if you like that form factor or not pretty quickly. You can get a great camera at equal price points in either category though, so neither one

Close range, long range, anywhere in between all you need is a famas. But like most, the gun is over used and I find enjoyment in different weapons (though not nearly as good). I never see sniper rifles being used in Black Ops, and if they are, that person is always negative. It'd be interesting to see if that map

I have a couple friends with the Pen E-PL1, which they picked over Panasonics comparable versions. In general, they are bigger, better point and shoots. You can manually change things, but I found it to be slow compared to a DSLR. I also don't like not using a view finder. So having to only take pictures by live view

No, but I can see where you misread my intent. I don't think the attacks are funny, nor is losing personal data (though after 5 times I feel numb to it), but I think their "press release" writings on it are. It's like stand up comedy, I don't think racism, sexism, etc, is funny, but the jokes can be. But as someone

As much as I hate the nonsense hacking these guys are doing, I can't help but laugh when i read their releases. The transcript with the botnet FBI dude was pretty great. In the end, it's always about the lulz with them.

Classy, I love that last line. It's a simple complaint I have. I'm not up in arms over it, I made a comment on the internet. I buy maps for certain games I play, sometimes I don't, either way I don't really care because the game plays the same regardless. It would just be cool if when they added achievements they were

I just dislike it. It's trivial, but I'd rather have those achievements not related to something like "play on Silo".

I have a hard time wanting to buy these Map packs, especially when a new CoD will be out in months to come.